Behold the birds of the air, which do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than them? Matthew 6:25,26
Birds can be classified according to their diet in:
*Carnivorous: The Eagle and the Vulture
*Herbívoras: Toucan and the Partridge
*Omnivorous: Doves
*Insectívoras: Swallow and the Bee-eater

God knows that we need, to make the comparison with the birds of the sky that do not sow, or harvest, or collect in barns this does not mean that we should stop doing it on the contrary if they who do not do God feeds them, The Lord It motivates us to walk in faith and everything we do has the confidence that He will sustain us and what we undertake will prosper.
No matter what circumstance I am in, we always remember that we have a Father who is always attentive to us, there is no use worrying about simply trusting God and every time we look at a bird in heaven keep in mind these promises of God.