As children of God we live to glorify him in obedience and accepting his will some years ago I lived an experience with an uncle who was very sick lungs did not work, I began to pray to be able to visit him, one morning praying I read in the bible John 11: 4 "When Jesus heard it, he said: This disease is not for death, but for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified by it."
I woke up with a lot of faith and went to my uncle's house when he arrived there was a large part of his family, children and grandchildren. At the moment I quoted that word and prayed there was a silence and all the relatives listened with great attention, my uncle cried and received the Lord in his heart and recognized his majesty. I left there very happy believing in his health, the next day they called me on the phone to tell me that my uncle took him to the clinic and hours later left this world. I did not understand at that moment, I had a lot of faith that I was going to see him healthy, I asked myself so many questions and I repeated the verse in my mind. Today I could understand that word since all the relatives who were that day at home served the Lord and I understood that this illness was not really for death since my uncle is with the Lord and God was glorified because that was a channel so that his family would come to his ways.
Remember that to those who love God all things help us well, no matter what you are going through you may not understand the process but God will always glorify you