in #steemchurch6 years ago

The Time Has Come to debunk those errors regarding the Rapture not occurring
This is the explanation behind my blog, to caution individuals since I can't deal with the way that numerous individuals I know like family, companions will be left behind and need to face delusion, disarray, dread and express hopelessness in their minds as to what happened and attempt adapt to the eventual outcomes. That very minute will be not at all like anything the world has ever experienced, and it gets worse. Much worse, mass HORROR, mass MURDER, mass TORTURE, mass INCOMPREHENSIBLE malevolence will take place. Matthew 24:21 "For then shall be extraordinary tribulation, for example, was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever will be."


In the meantime I cheer for I realize that I am will see Jesus Christ the Son of God, my King, my Lord, my Savior, the ONE I cherish so much, the ONE who gave HIS life for me, the ONE who SAVED my life. I will see HIM SOON face to face. How magnificent is that. I can hardly wait.

We are in a period in history dissimilar to anything at any point seen before. Never over the most recent years would I have ever figured that I would be alive to witness this. The (lady of the hour of Christ, i.e., conceived again Christians) being caught up to meet Jesus noticeable all around.
Jesus said He would come when we wouldn't dare hoping anymore Generally the minimum expected thing happens when everything is going moderately well.
(Matthew 24:37-41)

Matthew 24:44 "For this reason you additionally should be prepared; for the Son of Man is coming at a hour when you don't figure He will."

Amid the satisfaction, Jesus Christ does NOT come down to earth. (So it isn't viewed as His Second Coming). The dead in Christ rise first and afterward the assortment of Christ are caught up to meet Jesus Christ in the CLOUDS/AIR. 1 Thess 4:16-18 "For the Lord himself will slide from paradise with a yell, with the voice of the lead celestial host, and with the trump of God: and those that have Christ who are already dead will rise first. Then we which are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the mists, to meet the Lord noticeable all around: thus will we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort each other with these words."

Jesus discloses to us that we are to COMFORT each other with this WONDERFUL section of sacred text. Everything will happen quick, so quick that it will be 1 Cor 15:52 "in a minute, in the twinkling of an eye"
The book of scriptures reveals to us that despite the fact that we don't know precisely when Jesus is returning to take His congregation home. Matthew 25:13,"Be on the ready at that point, for you don't have the foggiest idea about the day nor the hour."

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He discloses to us to BE ON ALERT as we will see the day drawing nearer (Biblical prediction satisfied) and as the day approaches we are to ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER. Hebrews 10:25, "not neglecting our own collecting together, similar to the propensity for a few, but encouraging each other; and all the more as you see the day moving close."*

So plainly conceived again Christians will know that the day that Jesus Christ returns moves ever closer If not, Jesus would not disclose to us to BE ON ALERT constantly and for us to watch and supplicate that we don't fall into temptation. Matthew 26:41,"Keep watching and asking that you may not go into allurement; the soul is eager, but rather the tissue is frail."

Jesus guaranteed us He will take care of us, since He paid the cost for us, we are not bound for God's wrath amid the Tribulation. 1Thessalonians 5:9.

We are NOT bound to be TESTED.
Revelation 3:10 "Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I likewise will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is going to happen upon the entire world, to test the individuals who harp on the earth."

Our emphasis ought to be on Jesus Christ our Blessed Hope and we are not be bothered by the things going ahead around us. Titus 2:13 "looking for the favored expectation and the showing up of the brilliance of our awesome God and Savior, Christ Jesus"

Do you expect that there is something appalling going ahead on the planet yet you don't comprehend what it is? Do you recall that somebody addressing you about Jesus and you forgot about them as talking a heap of nonsense? Do you know the name of Jesus Christ in your psyche, yet your heart's not intrigued in light of the fact that you lean toward the methods for the world and sin? Do you need to know why you expect that there is something repulsive coming this way? Do you need to alter your way of life and approach Jesus to excuse you for your evil life with the goal that you my enter God's essence perfect.

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Would you like to drop all that you are doing well now and address Jesus Christ the Son of God? Reveal to Him you are a delinquent, disclose to Him you need to change your ways. Tell him you have defied Him, yet you request absolution for all that you have done and you are so sorry. Tell Jesus that you know and trust that He kicked the bucket on the cross for you as a forfeit for your sin, and that He climbed again 3 days after the fact and rose with a physical body into paradise. Reveal to Jesus that you need Him to come into your life, and make you another person. Tell Jesus that you adore him, sincerely and honestly with everything that is in you, mind and soul. Humble yourself before your KING as a miscreant who does not should be saved. But rather as a result of the love that God has for HIS creation, that is you, He made you. When you really and absolutely come to Jesus Christ and apologize, God genuinely and completely pardons you and you are spared.


Good to hear from you goldenheart, Thanks for sharing with Us!


Rapture will take place and we should live our lives in Christ so that when the day comes,we will all be raptured with Him. Jesus will come like a thief so we need to get prepared for His coming.

It is coming and many will be caught unawares for sure. Some people don't even believe we are living in the end.

When is roll is called upon younder ....
I will be there....
Heaven and Hell is real....
We should do everything possible to enter....despite the road is narrow and full of thorn...by God grace....we all we meet there someday