why is there conflict among brethren?
Conflict resolution has to do with the process of bringing into normalcy relationship that has become estranged due to misunderstanding or disagreement over an issue or personal difference.
The Bible does not keep us in darkness about the reality of the existence of conflict among the people of God from the Old to the New Testament. God opened our eyes to how various conflicts were resolved and genuine peace was restored among the people. This lesson seeks to inform us about the Bible's view on conflict resolution.
The church consists of people who are social beings that relate together. No one is an angel among us, we make mistakes because of our different backgrounds, culture, view ,temperament., etc. God called us to live unto perfection but this is not a thing that can be attained overnight, hence, we are to learn from our error or conflict in order to become ambassadors of peace.
Some evidences that affirmed the reality of conflict in the Old Testament include:
- Adam and Eve had conflict over their sins in the garden of Eden,
- Cain and Abel had conflict that led to Cain murdering Abel,
- Wickedness of inhabitants of the world,
- The disagreement between Abraham 's and Lot's herdsmen,
- The Bible also records the disagreement between Joseph and his brothers,
- Saul and David....etc
The New Testament has record of disputes among the people : Jesus' disciples argued among themselves who should be the greatest among them when they get to heaven. Ananias and Sapphira deceived their fellow brethren. The Greek complained against the Jewelry that their fellow widows were neglected at the table. There was an issue about doctrinal differences.
There is a great number of conflicts recorded in the Bible but God never condoned it. With the knowledge of the Bible the way to handle issues that bring estranged relationship are dealt with transparency and vices were Condemned in strong terms to build and maintain a peaceful relationship.
The books of proverbs and James teach us how we should use our tongue(Prov.10:18-19,12:22,28:23,Jam.4:1-3)
IN Christendom,good relationship begins with Jesus Christ. People are enjoined to face the issue of conflict honestly with determination to apply biblical injunctions. Jesus taught about conflict resolution and practically intervened in several disagreements among people.(Matt. 18:15-35;20:20-28;Luke 12:13-15). He dealt with issues that relate to interpersonal relationships in His sermon on the mount. (Matt. 5:7).
Certain men came from Judea to the church in Antioch and taught the brethren an old doctrine which affected the gentile believers greatly.
This resulted into conflict but the elders quickly intervened by sending Paul, Barnabas and certain others to make enquiries about the position of the church on the issue.
They did not wait until the conflict affected the church. The following conflict styles are all believers must study to be able to avoid and settle any conflict in the church. The table below is culled from Christian counseling, 3rd edition by Gary R. Collins, page 330.
Critically study the various styles and identify the group you fall into the last time you had conflict with another member.
The Bible speaks unequivocally about conflict inevitability in the church. Whenever it occurs,the issues must be clarified, the parties involved must be allowed to air their feelings. Each of them should resolve to do what Jesus would do in the same situation. Also, biblical view must be sought regarding any conflict.
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One of the best ways of conflict resolution is the example God gave by sending christ to die for us in other to reconcile us to him
The Church is no longer about Christ and God's kingdom. It now all about personal and selfish interest which ought to have been crucified with Christ on the cross.
God help the church.
Thanks for sharing
When the church has left her first love. What is bound to happen? The church need a true apostolic revival.
There is great hypocrisy in religion today leading to conflict. This has made many to lose interest completely
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As long as human beings are involved, conflicts are bound to arise but patience and maturity which are collectively termed endurance wins the game.