Attitudes that a daughter of God must have

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Today, research claims that women are no longer a majority in churches. They have been a great blessing in the life of the Church of the Lord Jesus. Despite the great machismo that exists in the culture described in the Bible, there are great women who have a lot to teach us.

In homage to women, I would like to highlight seven attitudes of women in the Bible that every Christian should imitate.


1 - The humility of Mary, mother of the Lord Jesus
Mary was chosen among several girls to be the mother of the Savior. Maybe that could have brought to his heart a certain pride, a certain haughtiness. She, however, said something we all need to say daily to God: "And Mary said: 'My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior because he has set his eyes on the humility of his slave, so from Now all the generations will call me blessed ... "(Lk 1, 46-48). The humility of Mary, by putting herself in the hands of God and cooperating with the Lord in her great mission, is something really fascinating, that every believer should imitate.


2 - The perseverance in Ana's prayer
Ana had not had an easy life. Her husband Elcana had taken advantage of the tradition to have two women (1 S 1,2). In addition, Ana was sterile, something considered a kind of curse in her time. She was despised by the husband's other wife and carried a great sadness in her heart because of all that (1 S 1,6). But she did not give up her goal of having a child and did not give in to the murmuring; on the contrary, she persevered in prayer and was able to say: "" Ana conceived and when the time came she gave birth to a child whom she named Samuel, " because, he said, I have asked Yahweh "(1 S 1,20).


3 - The courage of María Magdalena to overcome the past
The Bible says that Mary Magdalene was demon-possessed. Jesus expelled seven demons from her (Lk 8,2). I do not have many details of that woman's past, however, it certainly was not a past that pleased God. She, however, had the courage to overcome her black past and be a great servant of the Lord Jesus. She is always mentioned in the company of the disciples, and was the first to know and believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Mt 28,1). It was a woman who showed an unparalleled improvement, a portrait of transformation that God operates in the lives of people.


4 - Miriam's wisdom to overcome crises
Pharaoh had determined that every Egyptian had to kill children born of beans (Ex 1,22). That order put at risk the life of Moses, who was still a baby. But the strategy of Moses' mother and Miriam, his sister, saved his life. It was not easy. Miriam showed great wisdom in following the child who was placed in a basket in the river, convincing Pharaoh's daughter to give the child to his own mother, to take care of him for some time (Ex 2,7). She saved the life of Moses with his wise way of dealing with adverse situations.


5 - The fear of God of the prostitute Raabe
Raabe is mentioned in the Bible as a prostitute. The Bible does not hide what she was. But neither does it hide the change that was happening in his heart. In the dialogue she had with the spies of Israel, which she hid in her house with the aim of protecting them, she shows us a great fear of God: "Upon hearing it, our heart has fainted and no one is already with breath in your presence, because Yahweh your God, is God up in the heavens and down on earth "(Jos 2,11). A great confession of fear of the Lord. Considering that Raabe lived in the midst of a pagan people, her statement shows how great her fear was. So great was his attitude towards God, which was part of the genealogy of Jesus Christ (Mt 1,5).


6 - The missionary fervor of the Samaritan woman
The Samaritan woman, as everyone knows, had a great encounter with Jesus near a well where he went to look for water (Jn 4,9). Jesus reveals to her the errors that she had committed in the past and in the present, and that she said something very strong that impacted her heart. The result? The missionary fervor seized the heart of that woman, who brought the words of Jesus to her people, who did not know it: "The woman, leaving her pitcher, ran to the city and said to the people:" Come and see a man who has told me everything I've done Was not the Christ? "They left the city and went to him."


7 - The character of the virtuous woman without the name of proverbs
The last verses of the book of Proverbs are dedicated to praising the character of a woman who has no name, but who could well be of the great women of God, who existed and exist in our times. That woman has virtues in the care of the family, of the husband, of the children; in the honest and dedicated way he works; in the example that he gives to his neighbor, in the wise way in which he lives his life, etc. This text shows a summary of the qualities of the women of God and how important they are.


Greetings to my friends and brothers in christ @sirknight, @steemchurch and @sniffnscurry this post is made with love. blessings to their lives .. !! I send you a big hug