I received a word from God that has touched my heart and I want to share it with you:
The widow of Sarepta when she fed the prophet Elijah, in the first book of kings chapter seventeen, receives a word of provision: that by feeding the prophet he would not cease the oil and flour, for she believed what God had spoken to her life at that moment, but before that she had declared a curse word for her son: "and now I was gathering wood to come in and prepare it for myself and my son and then let us die."

Big words of a mother who had no other choice, the blessing had not come to her life and the most practical way out was to give up, until there was a divine intervention for the life of this woman and her son.
When the word of God came through the prophet, he believed it to such an extent that the oil and flour did not stop flowing until the word of the prophet ceased to be believed.
The impact of the case is that the Bible does not narrate that the widow has declared a word of life during the blessing of Jehovah (remember that he had declared words of death for her and her son) and later on the text narrates that the son of this widow dies
Why did he die? Because the widow did not proclaim a word of deliverance for her son and most importantly because she stopped speaking the same language that God spoke to her life.
The flour and oil ceased because this woman stopped believing God the words of provision that she had unleashed through Elijah, she needed the prophet to be there to believe and proclaim himself a blessing.
How many of us come to our churches and the Lord Himself has a word of blessing for us and we believe it and we see how God works little by little in that petition that we have before Him, but suddenly "the flour and the oil" cease because we stop speaking the same language with God, we stop declaring words of blessing on our lives and that of our families, we stop believing that God can do it.
How many of us have left our churches with a word from God that filled our lives with strength and encouragement but just around the corner we are again worried and desperate that we do not find the solution to our problems.
What happened? We stop speaking the same language with God, we stop proclaiming ourselves in victory over that situation that we can not solve but that if we trust and believe in Him things can change from one moment to another.
The important thing is that it does not happen to us like the widow, who needed the prophet to be present to believe and proclaim victory, you and I should not speak the same language of God only when we are "anointed" in the church and say : "Today I declare myself in vitoria" and when leaving we return to doubt what God is working in your life, that is what I call to stop speaking the same language of God.
What good is it that the language of God is a blessing for your life, of great promises to you and that you only believe it when God is telling you in your face but when you leave the church meeting you speak the language again of poverty, of debt, of discouragement, of anguish, of even worse: do not believe that God wants to bless you and continue as before God speaks to you.
Do not expect God to be in heaven and speak to you audibly, which may well be done, but when I tell you that God has a language, it is because He speaks to you in different ways, mainly through the word that He has given to your pastors. and leaders of the church.
Remember the language of God is a blessing, says the Bible that He has plans for good and not bad for you, we just have to allow those plans can be real in our lives and fully trust in it even though today we do not see more that "a little flour and a jar of oil".
Believe only, because who believes everything is possible and do not stop speaking the same language with God, a language of blessing for you and your family.
Amen, tremendous message @erickbrito, definitely when we are connected with God, we are on the right path to achieve success in everything we undertake.