2 Corinthians 9.6-15


The Lord, by his mercy, gives us income so that we can satisfy our needs and even our desires. But he also wants us to use our money to carry out his plans. And one of its objectives is that we share our resources with others. If we propose in our hearts to participate in his plans, He commits to give us everything we need to live and to give.
Let's see his fantastic promise in 2 Corinthians 9.8: "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that, having always in all things all that is sufficient, you may abound for every good work."This is a verse that we can appropriate! Sharing our blessings with others will never lead us to poverty. The Lord promises to increase the harvest of our justice, and enrich us in response to our generosity.

A selfishly accumulated blessing is never enjoyed as much as a shared blessing. Using what you have to help someone in need, glorifies God by showing the grace of Him acting in your life. Do not let the Lord's bountiful provision stay with you alone. Pass it on to others, and discover the joy of having an endless cycle of blessings.