Greetings dear Readers of Steem and Brothers of the SteemChurch!
What is the purpose of prosperity, according to God?
"Take heed that you do not forget the Lord your God, ceasing to keep his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes which I command you today, lest by eating and being fed up, and having built good houses and dwelt, And if your cattle and your flocks have increased, and silver and gold are added, and all that you have is multiplied, If you lift up your heart and forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the the house of bondage, but remember the Lord your God, who is the one who gives you the strength to acquire wealth, to confirm his covenant, which he swore to his fathers, as seen in this day.-Deuteronomy 8: 11-14 , 18)
Canaan represents the abundant life here on Earth and God has a Canaan for us too. In verse 18 we see God revealing the purpose of prosperity: to confirm his covenant.
The covenant that God promised to the fathers of the faith began with Abraham in Genesis 12, when he said:
"I bless you, and you will be a blessing."
The prosperity of God has this double function: to bless us and make us a blessing for others.
God wants to bless us!
Some people have difficulty believing that God literally wants to bless them with finances and possessions. They believe that He is not interested in those little details of our life. God is also Father and, as Father, He loves to bless us.
"(The Lord) is pleased (pleasure) in the prosperity of his servant." (Psalm 35:27)
God wants you to be a blessing!
But God not only wants to bless, He also wants to use us to bless others and, of course, I can not give if I do not have it myself. If people's financial investment has been used to reach Christ, then our finances can be used to reach people too and that is what God wants.
Give and take
In Philippians 4:15, Paul was speaking to the only church he had offered for him and his ministry. He boldly states that their needs would be met, because they were getting involved in meeting the needs of others.
"The generous soul will prosper, and whoever gives to drink will be toothless." (Proverbs 11:25)
It is interesting that the Apostle Paul does not simply speak that they were the only church that had given him offers, but he says that they were the only church that had associated with him in terms of giving and receiving. The reason he spoke like that is because the two things go together. The Bible does not talk about sowing, let alone harvesting.
The Bible does not talk about giving, without talking about receiving. It is a spiritual law, created by God!
"...and many nations of the earth shall be blessed through you..."
Those were the lines of God's word to Abraham. God had so blessed Abraham in Gold, silver, servants, cattle, name than and these blessings were stored up in Abraham for nations. We have to be conscious of this fact each time God blesses us. He wants us to be a blessing to nations.
Good morning brother EC
Very good Brother UY, good contribution, thanks you
Well explanatory brother EC, knowing the purpose for which God prospers us, is for our blessing and blessing of others.
Yes Sister, thanks for passing
Prosperity is needed for God's work to progress. It is therefore the delight of God that we prosper, be in good health even as our souls prospers.
Amen brother Collinz, thanks for passing, hugs
Very educating. God prospers us for His glory first. He wants us to see Him as the source of everything, so we won't boast of our effort. This will also help us to freely give to others and be a blessing to them. God prospers us that we may share love.
Perfect Evegrace, thanks you for comment
That father does not want to see his children prosperous and abundant in happiness and resources, but he primarily wants to see them saved under my condition of spiritual understanding and integrity, that is why first we must be prosely in spiritual and material prosperity. so in both senses to be able to bless many people, because those who are not materially prosperous but do not have God or Jesus in their hearts and who are served by so many resources? First we prosper in the communion and spiritual relationship and thus we will be prosperous in the other contexts. Greetings brother EC.
Well said Brother Ruben, greetings and Thanks for passing
En todo os he enseñado que, trabajando así, se debe ayudar a los necesitados, y recordar las palabras del Señor Jesús, que dijo: Más bienaventurado es dar que recibir.
Hechos 20:35
Sin lugar a duda, no es el plan de Dios bendecirnos para que atesoremos riquezas, sino mas bien para que ayudemos al necesitado y seamos nosotros de "Bendcion" a los demas.
Recordar tambien lo que les dijo a los discipulos>
Porque a los pobres siempre los tendreis con vosotros, mas a mí no siempre me tendreis.
S.Juan 12:8 RVR1960