What does it mean to become a Human?

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Dear Community! Dear friends!

Have you stopped to think what is "Human Being", what does it mean to become human?

That we are a spirit, we have a soul and we inhabit a body, you know; But what makes us beyond just beings, for human beings?

I believe that being human is the closest and widest way to look like Christ. Be the capacity of identification with the neighbor and the empathy that God has given us.

By the way, empathy is a broad topic to deepen, like sympathy and altruism, a video below gives us an example of this:

Every human being is endowed with empathy, but the oblivion of it makes us cold and distant from love. Empathy shows that all people matter to God! But the lack of it starts all evil.

The apostle Paul recommended similar feelings when he exhorted his fellow Christians to "rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn, "and added:" Be willing to others as you are to yourselves "(Romans 12:15, 16).


What I find most beautiful in God is that his love is available to all, He sent Jesus for everyone, and everyone has the same value for Him. Therefore, we need to be true people, without pretense, with our characteristics and cultures, to be real, just as our Father is, so that the truth may be revealed. It is impossible to show the truth - which is Christ - if you are not really! If you are not real and honest with who you are, you will not be real and honest in transmitting to Christ, because you are He here on Earth and He is revealed through you!

The moment we reject a person or say that she is not worthy of our presence, we would be denying the faith.

If anyone says: I love God, and he hates his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?
1 John 4:20

Then, we will develop our empathy, develop the abilities that Christ gave us, the gifts and talents, the arts, the music, the wisdom and expand the Kingdom here on Earth, without interest if other things come or not, and live what God has entrusted to us: to spread his love.


In fact, the beatitudes presented by the Lord Jesus Christ are almost all focused on the human being and his well-being. Matthew chapter 5.
So, when the season of the beatitudes arrives, the love of God will spread to the crowds!


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Quite and intriguing video. Christ in Matthew 22: 37-39 made a metamorphosis of the laws into two - loving God and loving people. When the love of God sheds broadly in our heart , we share the nature of God which is always out with compassion for man. CHrist in all the miracles He did while on earth always had compassion on the people. Thank God, this is the aim of the @steemchurch - leaving footprints of love in the hearts of people.

Thanks Archbishop EC for reflecting on this.

It is good to hear that strongly with Brother Uyobong, thanks to you for reading and analyzing!

So is my dear brother @EmilioCabrera as you say:

I believe that being human is the closest and widest way to look like Christ. Be the capacity of identification with the neighbor and the empathy that God has given us.

On the last day of creation, God said, "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness ..." (Genesis 1:26). And so, in this way He finished His work with a "personal touch". God formed man from dust and gave him life from His very breath (Genesis 2: 7). According to this, man is the only one, among all of God's creation, that has a material part "body" and an immaterial soul and spirit.
if we reject a person we are rejecting God himself. besides failing in his command love your neighbor as yourself

Yes dear Mosdad, thank you, in fact, it is a holy pride to be told: They look like Jesus!

Brother Emilio, how many problems would be avoided if we tried to better understand what happens inside of others, their expectations and ideals. "More than in" giving ", charity is in" understanding "» [1]. To live charity we must begin by recognizing in the other someone worthy of consideration, and put ourselves in their circumstances. Today we usually talk about empathy to refer to the quality that facilitates getting in the place of others, take charge of their situation and ponder their feelings. Together with charity, this attitude helps to foster communion, the union of hearts, as Peter writes: "have all the same thoughts and feelings"

Well said sister! Thanks

Stopping to think about what it means to live love in Christ in practice, can open room for a series of discoveries. But of all the legacy that Jesus left on Earth, there is one that stands above others: the divine recommendation to love others as He Himself loved us.

No more, no less, perfect dear Lorennys

The empathic attitude of the Samaritan in helping others.

He was called to contribute and fulfilled his purpose. A great and inspiring example for today is that we talk so much about empathy, but it is not always clear what that is in practice.

Thank you For sharing this interesting topic dear brother. God bless you

Thanks for the sister contribution.

God bless you brother love is the foundation of everything

If there is no love, it is sad later. Thanks

God bless you very beautiful his message the love of God to his creation is undoubtedly the best affection, and shows the love that must have the human being

Perfect Sister, thanks

Greetings and blessings servant, it is love of human beings is powerful when we have God in our lives it is sad to know that many miss this blessing.

Well said brother

wonderful message brother @ emiliocabrera ... GOD MADE US TO HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS, what resembles God is love.
We must practice it with our neighbor, we are human with sin by nature, but thanks to Jesus we can be saved, and this is out of love.
when you are true, you reflect God in you.
a very interesting topic and to reflect.

Yes dear sister, good contribution! Thanks

Feelings are what differentiate us from other living beings that inhabit this planet, because they are what make us feel, think and reason; especially the love that is what really drives the human soul, although sometimes that love is focused on not very good objectives, but the important thing is to be able to direct that love and focus on what really matters, the love of God and love by our fellowmen, from there the reason of life. Perfect Emilio. Greetings, in hard times but reading things that enliven the spirit.

Thanks brother Ruben, everything will improve with the favor of God. Do you still have problems with the Internet?

Yes, brother, thank God I am alive, which is the important thing and with faith that I will improve the bad. The internet I think it will stabilize, this is a trial period, I will establish a connection to 4kms from where I live and it seems stable, from here I am writing to you. I live on the outskirts of Barcelona exactly on a green cross and here there is no cantv service, my connection is mobile with antennas that I design myself.

Amen... Wow, great!!