The number 1 of God

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Dear brothers!

A few years ago, at the year-end party of the University where I studied, the mathematics teacher made a dynamic with several dispersed collaborators with the number "zero" stamped on the back. I was one of them!


In the case of a "number of zeros to the left", numbers without any value alone ... Even if we join with all the other "zeros", all we would get was "000,000,000.00", that is, an "nothing" even greater.

However, there was a moment in the party where the number 1 (one) was placed next to us, causing us to become together, a billion. Alone, we had no value, but the number 1 by our side gave us the maximum possible value. Number 1 gave meaning and meaning to all zeros.

The end of the year is a time when we normally plan for next year. It may only happen to me, but often I have not been able to meet the goals set by myself. The frustrations, disappointments and mistakes can leave us with a certain feeling of emptiness, making us feel like a "zero to the left".

At other times, we even managed to conquer what we had planned, but it seems that it is never enough. Suddenly we bought something that we had dreamed of and now it is not so interesting anymore; we are trained in the faculty and now we only think about the postgraduate course. It seems that nothing satisfies us and that, in the end, our life has no value or meaning. We simply live because we are alive ...

After all, what is the value of my life? What is the meaning or purpose of my existence? For a long time, I lived with these questions in my head.

However, there was a time when something different happened, the "number 1" of God (Jesus) came down from heaven and was placed beside me. Alone, I had no value, but the presence of the "number 1" beside me brought value, meaning and meaning to my life.


Jesus, speaking of himself, said: "I am the living bread that came down from heaven ..." (John 6:51).

He is the "number 1" alive who descended from heaven and is close to you, you just have to receive it and your value will increase incredibly.

In John 3:16 it is written that:

"God so loved the world that he gave his Son, his only son, for the following reason: so that no one needs to be condemned, so that everyone who believes in him has a full and eternal life"

God sent his number 1 (Jesus) so that anyone can believe and receive courage by having him by his side!

IMG-20181211-WA0010.jpg(Image sent by a friend to my whatsapp)

I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; because apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15: 5

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
Colossians 1:15

and he is the head of the body which is the church, he who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that in everything he may have the pre-eminence;
Colossians 1:18

and of Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the sovereign of the kings of the earth. Who loved us, and washed us from our sins with his blood,
Revelation 1: 5

With Jesus we can be millions!

Do you have the number 1 of God by your side?



indeed, we are nothing without Christ. In Him, we are everything

Yes Uy, thanks for passing 👍👏

Wonderful message dear EC, after reading this in a morning with radiant sun, I just raise my hands to say thank God ppr the incalculable value added to our lives. I love Jesus Christ.


Good preaching, brother, is what we call a message centered on Jesus Christ. He is the firstborn, the sublime and tall who is crowned in glory.


Good evening brother, interesting teacher dynamics, we are zero until Jesus Christ appears and gives us an incalculable value. These words have comforted my heart. Hugs

If sister B, it was a dynamic to teach the value of unity with the virtue of a person.

Well explained this great message EC, Jesus is the best thing that has happened in my life, all without Christ we are like the zeros on the left, when Jesus comes to us he makes us kings and priests of his Kingdom. Hugs

Thanks dear kristal01, I'm glad to hear that.

Our Lord Jesus Christ came to my family and brought his peace and his love, I always tell my friends to open the doors of their hearts to God in their life and in their home. Good illustration brother @emiliocabrera

Que interesante análisis, te felicito, realmente me gustó tu analogía. y me hizo poner en ese lugar y mi hizo exigirme a mi misma que yo también necesito , quiero y tengo mi numero uno.

En momentos tan desesperante ha llegado esta analogía perfecta.

Gracias. me hacia falta y es realmente excelente. gracias.

La compartiré a nivel de mi familia. Vivimos momentos difíciles y es necesaria reconfortar el ánimo con estas sugerencias.

Les digo que a nivel de mi vida lo pondré en practica porque me llegó en un momento que lo necesitaba.

Momento justo, hora, justa, espacio justo.

Every day Brother Emilio impresses me with your very special publications and the image that you placed in this one is shocking, better in my opinion it could not be about Jesus. My congratulations.