in #steemchurch5 years ago

Dear Community!

There is a story that credits the German theoretical physicist Albert Einstein in his school days, where his teacher in the desire to prove that "faith" is a myth, makes a play on words saying: "If God created everything that exists, He also created evil, therefore, God is evil. " And the young Einstein, disagreeing (according to the story), also makes a play on words mentioning that: "By that same thought, darkness does not exist and yes that this is absences of light." As well as, that also "The cold does not exist either, but the absence of heat".


The young man ends by showing that God created only good (for God is good - Ps 118) and that evil was the absence of good (that is, the absence of God).

Mys dear brothers, I do not know if the story is true, but it is a beautiful reflection.

In a time where we see absences from all sides, both from the public power, which should give assistance (of all natures) to those who pay their taxes; the absence of values, good examples and good habits in the family, where these are unassisted by those who should protect - and joins that, the numerous family conflicts, either by a father who is not positioned as the priest of his house or of a mother who does not give the least value to the divine miracle of motherhood or even, people who are married for an attraction ONLY physical, in the heat of passion or without direction and wisdom, making their marriage a time bomb burst point. All this coupled with the conflicts that are experienced in a country like Venezuela, robbery, insecurity, etc.

Man is extremely adaptable; live anywhere As worse as this place is, one hour or the other, he will get used to the environment in which he was inserted. If he lacks shelter, he builds; if he speaks food to him, he hunts; if he lacks drink, he finds a well, a fountain, a tree that produces water; if you do not have comfort, get used to it; if it is cold, it makes a fire and it heats up; if he is alone, isolated, he does not die for that.

We see diverse populations and communities that do not possess some of the things we have here in "civilization." Some absences for them (and why not, for us) are fully supported.

But, what if the absence is "inside"?

And if, as the young Einstein said (according to the story), the individual has the absence of God, how does he do it? Will it be dependent only on luck, on the improbable, on himself? Or to believe in the stretch of the silly letter of the Titans (Epitaph) "Is he going to protect me ... while I am distracted"? Really?

When that is the absence, you become hostage to all the others.

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Now, when what was absence (the PRINCIPAL of them) becomes presence, becomes real, becomes the source of your decisions, your thoughts and your feelings, you can no longer feel any lack, because the one you lacked , Precious, ALREADY PRESENT!

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In a time where we see absences from all sides, both from the public power, which should give assistance (of all natures) to those who pay their taxes; the absence of values, good examples and good habits in the family, where these are unassisted by those who should protect - and joins that, the numerous family conflicts, either by a father who is not positioned as the priest of his house or of a mother who does not give the least value to the divine miracle of motherhood or even, people who are married for an attraction ONLY physical, in the heat of passion or without direction and wisdom, making their marriage a time bomb burst point. All this coupled with the conflicts that are experienced in a country like Venezuela, robbery, insecurity, etc.

Wise and true words brother.

Lovely write up @emiliocabrera.

Forever God is with his sealed children, in him we live, move and have our being.

We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
2 Corinthians 4:8-11 (NKJV)

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Thank you for the contribution brother, I love this biblical text, we are Christians with a life focused on our Lord Jesus Christ. Who will separate us from his love? He shines in us.

You are world's light; a city set on a hill can not be hidden. Neither does a light come on and it is placed under a bushel, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5: 14-16)

Well said @e v22, excellent commenting