Life is full of challenges. There are many hindrances and bumps and difficulties along life's pathway. Some of these are self-imposed through careless lifestyle while others are satan-induced. When we find ourselves in such ugly situations of life, it sometimes appears as if we have been totally forgotten, and there seems to be no hope of escape. From the record of scriptures and the experiences of contemporary believers, we have often seen God, out loving father show up mightly on the behalf of his children.
Today I will be using Mordecai as a case study. He was a Jew and a slave in Shushan. God providentially rescued him and his fellow Jews from imminent extermination and promoted him to the position of authority in the foreign land. God has not changed. He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Mal.3:6; Heb.13:8). He will surely intervene in that issue of life if we can fully trust in him.
Mordecai was a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin. His father's name was Jair, the grandson of Kish. He was one of the captives of war from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. And he served as a slave and a gateman. He brought up Esther in the way of the Lord. He was the instrument by which God delivered the king from being killed and Israel from being exterminated.
in the account according to Esther 2:21-23, Mordecai overheard am assassination plot against king Ahasuerus by two of his door keepers. He quickly made it known through the Queen Esther. Thus the king's life was saved and was documented in the King's chronicles.
if we read Esther 6:1-11, we will see that due to God's intervention, Ahasuerus experienced a strange sleepless. This forced him to inquire into the kingdoms archives where he stumbled into Mordecai's benevolent act towards him and he rewarded him greatly.
Mordecai's experience teaches us that our activities on earth whether good or bad, are being recorded. God is a good record keeper. A day a reckoning will surely come and every man shall be rewarded according to his works. God is a faithful rewarder of those who diligently seek him (Heb.11:6). It behoves of us therefore to be steadfast in him, unremovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as we know that our labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Cor.15:58)
Life's challenges are many and varies. It is rare to see someone who will go through life without encountering any of them. Some of the issues of life for which we need to wait patiently for God to intervene are: sicknesses, delay in getting admission to study a course of one's choice, delay in getting a job, delay in getting children, lack of business breakthrough, delay in getting married, financial hardship e.t.c.
The child of God should be test assured that God is with him and that he will surely bring his heart desires to pass.
Knowing that God is aware and interested in our difficult situations, the child of God should : not be unnecessarily anxious about the situation (Phil. 4:6) ; also one should trust in God for his intervention (Ps.37:3) ; like Job and others, we should continue to delight ourselves in the Lord; we also learn to be prayerful and wait patiently for God.; we should also learn to desist from self pity and self comparison and we need to cease from anger against oneself, others, and to God.
So my brethren, we should learn to believe in God that h will intervene in all our daily activities. But also we must be righteous.
I agree with you, there are situations we find ourselves today that is really disheartening. God's intervention was what helped Mordecai, God will definitely help us when we are in such a situation too. Interesting read.
We just stumbled on your post. It's a really fine one. Reading bible accounts on ancient servants of God can be really beneficial. Thanks for sharing.
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Modercai life was a typical example of how God can raise someone from rag to riches, infact he was an instrument in making Esther the woman she became, and while she tried to go astray, it was him who put her on the right path.
Men like Mordecai are scarce in our society, and despite all he went through, he was blessed richly by God.
Keep calm and God will intervene ...
God said he will judge us all according to what we did on earth, so think about that is our God not great?? He keeps record of all the things happening both in the open and in the dark this is the more reason we should fear this God and walk in the right path.
Life's challenges are many and varies. It is rare to see someone who will go through life without encountering any of them.
God is aware of our situations through His divine intervention.
He is waiting patiently to see how we react to certain life challenges before intervening.
Now then, there are only two alternatives. Either God sometimes cannot intervene on our behalf, or He will not do so. There is only one place to find the will of God, and that is in His Word. There are many places in the Bible where we can look to see that God’s will is goodness, wholeness, health, and life for everyone, especially His own family. One of the clearest sections is the four gospels — Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which chronicle some of the life of the living Word, Jesus Christ, who said he always did his Father’s will (John 5:30; 8:29).

Indeed we should because without God intervention there will be more chaos than there already is in the world.
Atimes we find our self in certain situations we cant handle that really need a divine intervention but as a servant of the most high he always know when we need his help and he always comes to our aid at that piont,taking a look at modecai and Esther he did his job there and many others.
God sees everything and when the time is right, his intervention will be just.
When it time to encounter God no body can stop it. He has the divine touch but gives it out at the right time.
Difficult situations turn around into favorable conditions when there is divine intervention.
This is a nice post, it shows that, everything we do are accounted for in heaven, the story of mordicai is synonymous to Joseph in the bible, how God rewarded him for not sleeping with potiphars wife.
Biblically speaking, God definitely intervenes in the affairs of the world (see Genesis through Revelation). God is sovereign (Psalm 93:1; 95:3; Jeremiah 23:20; Romans 9). Nothing happens that God does not ordain, cause, or allow. We are constantly surrounded by divine intervention, even when we are ignorant of it or blind to it. We will never know all of the times and all of the ways God intervenes in our lives. Divine intervention can come in the form of a miracle, such as a healing or supernatural sign. Divine intervention can also come in the form of a seemingly random event which directs us in the way God wants us to go.
But the Bible does not instruct us to seek hidden spiritual meanings in everyday life events. While we should be aware that God does intervene, we should not spend every waking minute trying to decode secret messages from above. Believers seek God’s Word for direction (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and are led by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). We are to obey the one source in which we know God has indeed spoken, His Word (Hebrews 4:12).
Divine intervention is when God steps into our situations....
He puts His healing hands, and restore what is wannting.
We all need divine intervention
Nice post, steem on....