Why Do We Feel Afraid If Jesus Is There?

in #steemchurch7 years ago


Christians, we are supposed to live a special experience with Jesus, ie we have known him, we have been with him, we have learned from his teachings and for this we believe and trust in him. However, sometimes it does not seem, because we have attitudes of mistrust, because in the moments of trial, we doubt, we feel alone and even think that the problems are superior to our forces, and even we do not know the power of Jesus.

This situation is not only current, but also experienced by the Apostles. They lived with Jesus, shared with him, and yet they doubted his power, despite having him in the midst of them. The Evangelist Mateo tells us that Jesus and his apostles were in a boat and suddenly a strong tempest arose. They felt afraid and asked him to save them. He says to them, ' Why are you afraid, ye men of little faith? ' Then he rose, rebuked to the winds and to the sea, and a great bonanza came. (Mt. 8,23-27)

We could ask. Why were you afraid if Jesus was at your side? Surely nothing bad would happen to them. However, they felt helpless and fragile, not because Jesus was not there, but because their faith was not strong enough to trust him.

That same situation we often live in. We are with Jesus, we talk about him, we dedicate our life to preach his word, or we are part of a prayer group or a community, but at the moment of facing some test or difficulty, we do not trust in God, and even perceive or are not aware That Jesus is with us in the boat of our lives. There, in those moments is where we really test our faith, because believing in Jesus is to be sure that both in the situations of well-being, as in the moments of storm, he is there and if he is with us, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Jesus never leaves us alone in the boat of life. In spite of the evidence that may come, we know that if our faith is put in the Lord, nothing bad can happen to us, he is there to appease the storm, to bring everything to normal and to restore peace.

Isaiah 41:10

So fear not, for I am with you; Do not troubled, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I hold you with my victorious right hand.

Psalm 56:3

When I feel afraid, I put my trust in you.

Joshua 1:9

I've already ordered you: Be strong and brave! Don't be afraid or discouraged! For the Lord your God will accompany you wherever you go.