It has happened to many of us, there are days when we want to cry and we do not know why. These are days of intense thoughts. It seems that the tears that stand and make that famous knot in the throat, do not want to go, and were willing to drown us to leave. It is normal, of course, we should not be afraid to face situations with crying, it should not be strange that when something hurts, we cry.
It is no secret that today, we remove a significant value to crying. The one who cries is the weak one, the coward, the one who is not capable of enduring. It is enough that a person's eyes are shaken in a group to refer to it as a fool, to say that he should be ashamed to cry. Today, crying is associated with weakness. I think that when we are able to understand that beyond being something else, crying is a liberating practice, we will stop calling coward those who because of their burdens can not bear the tears in their eyes.
I'm not sure if I cried a lot as a child, I think not, however I remember that in my school those who cried for everything were called 'weepers' in a derogatory way, as if determining a social group, that beyond being human, They were weak and marginalized. I know it's still that way, I know there are groups in which tears are not accepted, in which those who cry should leave immediately for fear of public mockery.
I think the invitation on this day is to be able to understand that crying is not a sin, that it is worth to be sad, it is worth breaking, it is allowed to fall and break. It is permitted from time to time to free ourselves by throwing from our hearts and cleaning our soul with tears. It is time to begin to associate tears with humanity.
I believe that our peoples, after so much pain, are called to mourn their dead, to mourn the ravages of the wars and dictatorships that for so long have harmed us. It is necessary that we cry, and not only to cry, but to heal the wounds left by violence and hatred. It is necessary that we cry more and with our tears we show that injustice hurts us, that we are not indifferent to the suffering of the other. Welcoming in our hearts the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" (Mt 5, 4-10)
Let's start to understand crying as a practice that frees, that allows us to feel new. Conscious that the only thing that sometimes remains is to cry, dry our tears, renew our strength and continue fighting in the name of God.
Hebrews 12:17
Because you know that even later, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, because he did not find an occasion for repentance, although he sought it with tears.
Jeremiah 16: 5
For thus says the LORD: Do not enter into a house of mourning, nor go to mourn, nor console them; for I have withdrawn my peace from this people, declares the LORD, mercy and compassion.
Psalm 119: 136
Rivers of tears pour my eyes, because they do not keep your law.
crying is good, but then you have to get up and keep fighting, despite the difficulties