Prayer arises from the need of having humans communicate with God and that he communicates with each of us. There are answers to concerns that moving the man who seeks God as Lord of your life.
There are many definitions about the sentence, which can help us to access it, for greater growth in the faith.
San Juan Crisóstomo tells us that prayer is talking with God; San Gregorio de Niza offers US that prayer is a conversation with God; San Juan Damasceno, pray is the elevation of the soul to God or the request to God of convenient goods; Saint Teresa of the child Jesus, prayer is an impulse of the heart, a simple look launched skyward, a cry of recognition and of love, both from within the test and from the inside of joy; It also offers us prayer as an experience of deep and personal encounter with Jesus Christ the Lord, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
And when we talk about personal experience, this involves three important elements:
- A living faith, knowing that such person is there and I want to communicate something of itself. Faith alive is a God that has been reported, which is communicating. It shows me in the person of Christ. In the gift of the Holy Spirit.
- Communication, since man is the image of God, it melts any possibility of meeting, of communication. God will always keep man, despite their flaws as its secure partner. God always wants to communicate and that man to communicate.
- Intimacy and depth, taking into account that it is not a communication anyone who is to be, must be convinced of going into that deep relationship with God.
In addition to the above elements, there is one that we need to be given all of the above, and is the opening to this personal experience. Only love who is known and to know God we must be open to his presence, leaving us to love him, his freedom and his mercy. God does not force anyone to follow him, nor to seek him, should be an option in freedom of each human to our Creator.
Taking into account that the prayer is a dialogue, there are four basic needs, so that it is in our lives, without them it is impossible to live a genuine prayer. They are:
- The need to be present, seems a redundancy, but is that many times our body is in one place, and our mind in another. It is essential to focus our entire being at that meeting that we will have, in order to receive the graces that are for each of us.
- The need to talk, in any dialogue there is someone who says what he thinks, what he feels and what lives, in this case, we are called to be deposited in the hands of God, everything that happens to us, without any regard as though he knows us you want that we put our trust in his person and we do not save anything, but on the contrary open you heart, communicating through words, our feelings, thoughts and dreams.
- The need to listen, often we speak more, and although we expect an answer, do not allow him to God we answer. He does it in many ways, but mainly through Word, brothers and events. That is why it is important to be attentive to the voice of the Lord that we want to talk about. In our prayer groups many times we don't keep silent, for let us speak, as it did with the Patriarchs, prophets, and Apostles.
- The need to act, because if the sentence does not lead to action, it becomes vain and superficial. It is essential the change that produces in our lives that communication with God, conversion must occur continuously, it is a never ending process.
We must ask the Lord to give us the gift of prayer, to have that power which makes a Christian, being convinced of God's action in their lives, not only in tests but also in every moment of our existence. Many saints recommend us to pray for the blessings that you have for each of us. Pray and see how the Lord responds, not instantaneously, but at the moment just and necessary for our salvation.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Are always happy, pray without ceasing, give thanks to God in every situation, because this is his will for you in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7
Don't worry about anything; rather, in every occasion, with prayer and supplication, present your requests to God and give thanks. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, take care of your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
Colossians 4:2
Engage in prayer: persevere therein with Thanksgiving.
humans communicate
greater growth