Never Alone

in #steemchurch7 years ago


Of the things that I have always liked about God, it is that he reminds me that day after day he will be with me. It feels good to know that in the midst of difficulties we are not alone, to understand that although we walk through valleys of tears, as the psalmist says, we will never walk alone. I love that, and it allows me to live confident that my struggle is a struggle in which I count on Jesus, aware that I am the one who fights, but also that while I do it, I can count on his strength, with everything he has put In Myself.

In these times, when the company seems to value little, when we are used to not stay, when we lock ourselves in our own existential bunkers, and in which we do not want to accompany, or let ourselves be accompanied by anyone. Or even worse, when we feel that everyone is leaving and leaving us, when we do not find in whom to rely on, or in whom to trust, it can be problematic to say that Jesus will never leave us alone.

It is hard to believe that Jesus is with us when everything gets hard, sometimes, it is hard for us to think about our side when the storm rages with the boat of our life. And then I think of that story in which it is expressed that while the waves and the breeze wanted to tear down the boat of the disciples, Jesus slept. I think that is the best way to understand their company, which is sometimes sometimes silent and therefore tedious, but beyond that, it is permanent.

I know that it is difficult to feel the company of God when He apparently remains silent, when we suffer and we do not find an answer to our supplications. Maybe that's because we have thought of God as a magister in solving problems, as a God forced to leave us in zero the rate of difficulties, and no. The company of God goes far beyond whether you have problems or not. We need to understand that God remains when everything is turned into chaos, but also when life is rosy.

Let us trust in his presence in our life, let us trust that he will fill us with strength to get ahead, that he does not solve our problems, but he urges us to do it. He goes to fight with us and encourages us to win, and when we get hurt, he heals our wounds and reminds us that we can wait on Him, and that we can feel that when everyone leaves, He will keep fulfilling His promise to be with us all. the days until the end of the world, his promise never to leave us alone.

1 Kings 8:27

But will God truly dwell on earth? Behold, the heavens and the heavens of heaven can not contain you, how much less this house that I have built.

Numbers 14:21

+But surely, I live, that the whole earth will be filled with the glory of the LORD.*

Psalm 34:18

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are dejected in spirit.


do not feel alone, God will always be with us, they only keep daily communication with God
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