Human have always wanted to have peace to the point of even struggling to have it, but still it has somehow managed to evade us. This brings the question of “ how can we live in peace when it so hard to have it in this world? ”. Let us see what the bible says about the way of peace.
and the way of peace they do not know
Romans 3:17 (NIV)
The history of humanity has shown us that the world is full of violence,conflict and war. Even when there is a litle time of relative peace,it ends up being just another build up to a stronger conflict. Just as the bible stated in the book of romans 3 verse 17 , individuals may want to have peace and even work tirelessly to earn it, but it ends up being in vain as they never can have it because the world does not know the way of peace . This is so because our first parents in Adam and Eve fell out of God's peaceful way after they were deceived by the serpent. Now the capability of violence in us can be exploited by the devil who's way is full of hate. This is so because satan currrently controls the world and makes sure his attitude is installed in those who fall for his tricks through temptations. But we as children of God, we can possess the attitude of peace by learning it from GOD who has reigned in peace for eternity.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Matthew 5:9 (NIV)
How can we learn the way of peace?
The love of God as we all know is the most genuine kind of love we can possess. It is a kind of love that does not separate or have a scale of preference towards anyone. When we practice love to everyone around us, we appeal to their peaceful nature to be reciprocated to us.
Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.
18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
20 On the contrary:“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:16-21 (NIV)
The knowledge of Gods word brings about great wisdom. Such wisdom can be applied to our life style and make us handle things of conflicting nature in the most peaceful way. Wisdom automatically gives you the aura of a judge of peace.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
James 3:17-18 (NIV)
The willingness of sacrifice by Jesus Christ for humanity to be saved is something we should constantly seek to have in us. If we sacrifice our pleasure to the benefit of others, it promotes peace .
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,
4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
Philippians 2:3-5 (NIV)
We are the representatives of God on earth, we should exhibit His peaceful nature through our life style. Like any world problems solution, the quest for peace begins with you.
Thanks For Stopping By
The knowledge of Gods word brings about great wisdom.
Such wisdom can be applied to our life style and make us handle things of conflicting nature in the most peaceful way.
Wisdom automatically gives you the aura of a judge of peace.
Interesting Read
The willingness of sacrifice by Jesus Christ for humanity to be saved is something we should constantly seek to have in us.
If we sacrifice our pleasure to the benefit of others, it promotes peace .
Nice article
Warm regards
The knowledge of Gods word brings about great wisdom. Such wisdom can be applied to our life style and make us handle things of conflicting nature in the most peaceful way. Wisdom automatically gives you the aura of a judge of peace.
Well said very true, wisdom from above brings peace
Of All the wealth in this world and all the material possessions we can name Jesus decided to leave the deciples PEACE.
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 4:27
This should let us know how important and precious PEACE is, it is something the world has been searching and trying so hard to find but to no avail. They cannot find it because PERFECT PEACE can only be found in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the son of the living God. You did so well to let us know the way to having peace and those are good points you stated, well done and God bless you @dyz7
I really like this point "Seeking the Attitude of Jesus". Jesus was the perfect example of a peacemaker. He sought peace everywhere He went. Indeed, modelling our lives after Jesus's is everything we need to stay peaceful.
"The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace" (Nm 6:20), peace is associated with God's presence. There is no peace for the wicked (Is 48:22), but the one who keeps God's law has great peace (Ps 119:165).
Peace is a condition of freedom from outward and inward disturbance, anxiety or turmoil in a man’s life. It is the total well being of a man. Although the word peace is an elusive concept in secular terms, it can be aptly described as the prosperity of the mind, body and soul (3 John 2). The gospel of Christ is ultimately the gospel of the peace.
We live in a world, of course, where every day, I think almost, we're confronted with a reality that our world doesn't conform to what Jesus proclaimed as the reign of God. The terrible disparity between the extremely wealthy and the desperate poor in our world keeps getting worse and worse. The injustice is overwhelming, but also the violence, the killing, and the wars. Do we really have the mind, the heart, and the attitude of Jesus?
That's why we all have to make peace within our self and also make peace with other, with this violence and conflict will reduce.
We are Gods representatives on earth, we should exhibit His peaceful nature through our life style. Like any world problems solution, the quest for peace begins with you.Although the word peace is an elusive concept in secular terms, it can be aptly described as the prosperity of the mind, body and soul (3 John 2). The gospel of Christ is ultimately the gospel of the peace.
Those who seek his face shall have external peace in their 💕 heart and their soul.
Happiness and joy will always abound in the life of those who have given their life to christ and are ready to offer him the savour everything they got.
His blessings are OK for us and those who trust in him the Lord has provided for us all we need to survive through his abundant grace and supernatural joy.
Love is the only thing that can save us from all our evil ways and all the bad things we do in life .
We should always give thanks to those who have done well for us and also make God our major focus in our life and what we do because he Is the only who was able to give us his only begotten son to die for us in the times of our need and when everything seems so bad and hard for us.
Grace is upon those who trust him and do his will through his word.
God is the only one who can forgive us our sins any time we have gone contrary to his will.
His desire is tinder us successful in life and not to see us fail his love has always guilded those who trust in him and his mercies his been the focus in our lives.
We who call our selves Christ should always find some where in our hearts to forgive those who have done wrong to us and we should. Always be perfect and rejoice because he the lord will forgive us too.
Genuinely, in the quest for peace, sharing the affection for Christ practically speaking and way of life through insight from God's Word is the main arrangement. Pleasant post.
Let's learn to expand our knowledge by constantly studying the word of God. The knowledge of Gods word brings about great wisdom. Such wisdom can be applied to our life style and make us handle things of conflicting nature in the most peaceful way. Wisdom automatically gives you the aura of a judge of peace. The willingness of sacrifice by Jesus Christ for humanity to be saved is something we should constantly seek to have in us. If we sacrifice our pleasure to the benefit of others, it promotes peace. God is the only one who can forgive us our sins any time we have gone contrary to his will.
His desire is tinder us successful in life and not to see us fail his love has always guilded those who trust in him and his mercies his been the focus in our lives. We are the representatives of God on earth, we should exhibit His peaceful nature through our life style. Let's learn to get closer to our maker and believe in him.This is great @dzy7. The history of humanity has shown us that the world is full of violence,conflict and war. Even when there is a litle time of relative peace,it ends up being just another build up to a stronger conflict. Just as the bible stated in the book of romans 3 verse 17 , individuals may want to have peace and even work tirelessly to earn it, but it ends up being in vain as they never can have it because the world does not know the way of peace . This is so because our first parents in Adam and Eve fell out of God's peaceful way after they were deceived by the serpent. Now the capability of violence in us can be exploited by the devil who's way is full of hate. This is so because satan currrently controls the world and makes sure his attitude is installed in those who fall for his tricks through temptations. But we as children of God, we can possess the attitude of peace by learning it from GOD who has reigned in peace for eternity. By learning to practice the word of God we grow in love with our neighbors.The love of God as we all know is the most genuine kind of love we can possess. It is a kind of love that does not separate or have a scale of preference towards anyone. When we practice love to everyone around us, we appeal to their peaceful nature to be reciprocated to us.
Really, in the mission for peace, sharing the love for Christ for all intents and purposes and lifestyle through understanding from God's Word is the primary course of action. Charming post.
The Bible says, “The peace of God which surpasses all comprehension shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7).
In other words, God has designed the Christian life to give Christians victory over the tyranny of their circumstances and the problems they face. Unfortunately, many true Christians do not experience this peace God wants them to have.
Peace comes when you realize that your burden is for God and not for you. Trying to use your mortal capacity to push through is what frustrates most Christians.
There is peace and contentment in serving God.
The word of God brings peace,Christ is our peace,as we fellowship with God and grow in the knowledge of Christ we experience peace,Psalms 29:11 The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace. Psalms 34:14 Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
If God is peace, then to know God is to bask in His peace. The closer we draw to Him, the more of His peace we can enjoy (James 4:8). God gives us clear instructions about how to draw near to Him. Psalm 24:3–4 says, “Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.”
Peace is when:
everyone lives in safety, without fear or threat of violence, and no form of violence is tolerated in law or in practice
everyone is equal before the law, the systems for justice are trusted, and fair and effective laws protect people's rights
everyone is able to participate in shaping political decisions and the government is accountable to the people
everyone has fair and equal access to the basic needs for their wellbeing such as food, clean water, shelter, education, healthcare and a decent living environment
everyone has an equal opportunity to work and make a living, regardless of gender, ethnicity or any other aspect of
Truly, in the pursuit of peace, sharing the love of Christ in practice & lifestyle through wisdom from God's Word is the only solution. Nice post.
peace is the most important thing desired by all people living in this world. If in a country has many people who have forgotten the god, and the country is full of immorality, then God will bring disaster to people in that country. Because God wants to admonish us not to forget the creator. In essence, whatever we do, we must always remember to God, that way, God will always give his grace to us.... :)
wow great post thanks for sharing this post with us alll
One day we should come to see that peace isn't just a far off objective that we look for, yet that it is a methods by which we touch base at that objective. We should seek after serene closures through tranquil means.
great post thanks for sharing
The individuals who look for his face might have outer peace in their 💕 heart and their spirit.
Bliss and satisfaction will dependably possess large amounts of the life of the individuals who have given their life to christ and are prepared to offer him the relish all that they got.
His favors are OK for us and the individuals who confide in him the Lord has accommodated all of us we have to make due through his copious effortlessness and heavenly happiness.
Love is the main thing that can spare us from all our malicious ways and all the awful things we do in life .
We ought to dependably express appreciation to the individuals who have done well for us and furthermore make God our real concentration in our life and what we do on the grounds that he Is the main who could give us his lone sired child to kick the bucket for us in the seasons of our need and while everything appears to be so terrible and hard for us.
Elegance is upon the individuals who believe him and do his will through his assertion.
God is the special case who can pardon us our transgressions whenever we have gone in opposition to his will.
His want is tinder us effective throughout everyday life and not to see us come up short his adoration has dependably guilded the individuals who confide in him and his benevolent actions his been the concentration in our lives.
We who call our selves Christ ought to dependably discover some place in our souls to excuse the individuals who have fouled up to us and we should. Continuously be immaculate and celebrate in light of the fact that he the master will pardon us as well.
The learning of Gods word achieves awesome knowledge.
Such intelligence can be connected to our way of life and influence us to deal with things of clashing nature in the most tranquil way.
Knowledge consequently gives you the emanation of a judge of peace.
Intriguing Read
One day we should come to see that peace isn't just a far off objective that we look for, yet that it is a methods by which we touch base at that objective. We should seek after serene closures through tranquil means.
great post thanks for sharing