Checked individual wallets to know who needed the steem most because there were so many amazing comments about the noble knight and i had difficulty selecting the winners.
@Aisiatiti and @Jedaijudith emerged as winners.
The Rules remain the same, all you have to do is;
Follow @steemchurch or @scb
Resteem the Post
Answers Should Be Less Than 100 Words
Question Of The Day
What Does The Steemchurch Mean To You?
The Steem give-away is based on users with quality comments and amount of steem/sbd in his/her wallet.
2 Winners emerged from yesterday give-away after careful scrutiny of individual comments and accounts with assistance from @jaff8, the steem was awarded to two parishioners who followed the rules.
Congratulations @aisiatiti and @jedaijudith, we'll be expecting you both at @scb. Thanks for your contribution.
Upvoted & Resteemed
It's a pleasure, all must participate in the steemchurch bingo.
it's definitely gonna be great with the steemchurch bingo. Have personally given it more publicity and can't wait to benefit from all the possibilities it presents. Thank you @sirknight for this initiative
Hmmmm I really laud this initiative, many may feel that there's no way, however in steemchurch there is always a way even where there seems no way
I'm grateful that you chose the deserved winners, it's a whole new conceptualized way of making sure the bingo games is attended by both the the blessed and the deprived.
I'm glad, amazing here brother
Thanks josediccus, we all have to play our part in making bingo a huge success.
To me @steemchurch is a church of God on steemit social media blockchain, where God's word is shared daily to help and build every Christian on the blockchain morally, financially, socially and spiritually,@steemchurch is a church on steemit.
Steemchurch is changing lives, me for example I spent my time now reading God's words and is it has help every aspect of my life.
Congratulations to aisiatiti and @jedaijudith.
To me, steemchurch is more than just a church!; steemchurch is family!
We may differ in the answers to the above question based upon our own individual experiences. However, it is more than clear that we are living in a time of great peril with a demoralizing affect and the progressive destruction of our society.
And i believe this is one problem steemchurch stands to solve.
I see Steemchurch as a family that through its various activities; like resteeming of quality life changing posts daily!, it has helped affect many lives positively, including mine.
So,let us daily open the doors of our hearts to those around us.
Steemchurch to me is not just a steemplatform but both a spiritual platform where we elevate our spiritual consciousness and spiritual transformation through our learning & contribution in the words of God being shared and Stermchurch has been proven to be a platform where talent is harnessed and groomed and most of all rewards for distributed to each and every me steemchurch is an example of an ideal church of christ and typical example of what the world should look like.
To me the steemchurch is an opportunity to learn and understand God's word daily all thanks to the wonderful parishioners that share encouraging and educative posts, the steemchurch is a blessing.
To me steemchurch is part of the greatest things that has happened to blockchain. It is a medium through which i have been able to rekindle my love and practice for the gospel of Christ and also help teach others and share the knowledge i have of the gospel to others with like minds and also try to reach out to others that haven't heard about the wonders of God. Cutting everything short @steemchurch to me is a medium for propagation of the word of God to as much as possible on the blockchain steemit
Thanks for the encouragement and support to this community.
I hope everyone will participate in it .
upvote and reblog@druids thank you for doing this I really appreciate . #Steemchurch is a community and the first church of the blockchain which have been helping me build my spiritual life and also to add to others life with my comments and my post. Since I was introduced to steemchurch by @jaff8 my life has not been the same . I barely spend an hour without reading post from #steemchurch . Infact #steemchurch means everything to me . I love #steemchurch
The steemchurch for me is an example for many other churches to follow. A church with a great leader that unites people from different nations, a church that makes everyone a contributor and everyone benefits spiritually and physically.
As a Christian, the steemchurch is a platform where I see encouraging and motivational messages about Christianity in a world where christianity is been attacked. As a steemian, earning on steemit can be very difficult but with the presence of @steemchurch, @sirknight and the apostles,resteeming post makes me earn every now and then.
I will like to appreciate @sirknight for initiating the steemchurch because it has really helped a lot of newbies on the platform. We also need more whales to support one of the fastest growing community on the platform.
Wow!! Thanks @druids @sirknight @jaff8 and other apostles, this is amazing, i am participating with immediate effect😁
To me steemchurch is the most amazing community on the steemit platform, we are united, commited to the Gospel and we welcome others with open arms.
I will take a step back for other parishioners to enjoy the benefits from this giveaway.
upvoted and resteemed!
It means a lot to me, just imagine not going to church but still you can find fellow brethren in Christ of like minds online to praise the Lord and share morning devotions and the like. So many people have come to know Christ through the #steemchurch tag, and many testimony abound in the discord group.
Steemchurch is home! I feel like I am in my local church on steemit. It has given me a sense of belonging. When I signed up on Steemit, my first post was on Christianity so I got searching through the tags and voila! I felt so relieved to have seen such on steemit.
Steemchurch has been so encouraging. It means a lot to me like the whole essence of been there. The bible says "Iron sharpens Iron" and that is exactly what the Steemchurch has been doing.
I learn everyday from other believers through this account. Sometimes, it could be tiring to go through most of the Christian posts created, but Steemchurch makes it easier by resteeming most of them. It saves me the time and energy to search. I'd just check and see a lot of posts in one place. It's simply amazing.
And when the steemchurch bingo was created, I was so impressed and said to myself "I wish most of the physical churches could take a clue from these guys" I can comfortably tell you that, this is what to church of God should be. Helping one another and steemchurch has been at the top of the game.
Overall, it has been an awesome experience here and all thanks to the steemchurch. My special thanks to @sirknight. I mean, who would have thought of this, but you. I just want to use this opportunity to say "THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS HAPPEN" God will surely bless you for everything.
BTW - Druids I'm glad you reached out to me yesterday and heeded to my suggestions. Let's make SteemChurch fun!Congrats @Aisiatiti & @Jedaijudith! Hope you enjoy the bingo games.
Thank you very much brother
This is very encouraging.
A lot of people make quality comments and posts but, go unnoticed.
Steemchurch is here to stay. Thanks for creating this initiative @druids.
Congratulations to all the winners,a job well done.
congratzz to all 😊😊
#bingounlimited. Let us have some fun in a bingo style
Congratulations to the winners!
You are doing amazing well in the @steemchurch. We are proud of you. You should get an award. Lolzzz
To me steemchurch is more than family or church on steemit. It's the prototype of God's throne on social planet called steemit. It takes lightning, thundering, trumpet and voice of the Throne to capture the babylon and the dragon in our human heart. And this is what steemchurch is designed for. It is a COLONIZER of human Soul for his creator. Since I have been on this arena ,my life and thought pattern has drastically changed and this I know is applicable to other parishioners.
Ohhh, I thought we were to make a post about the question. My bad. Tbh I'm not trying to be perfect for the challenge.