in #steemchurch5 years ago

I have been touring many places in Venezuela, I have wistfully seen the loneliness of its streets and even the resignation of people, people who for some reason have lost hope that their lives will recover color.

On that walk, I began to ask: so that we are on earth, so that Jesus called us, I do not think to occupy a place in this space, and then meet him when our bodies return to dust, meditating on this, this Word was revealed to my spirit:

Reina Valera Gómez
You are the salt of the earth; but if salt loses its flavor, how will it be salty? It is no longer good for anything, but to be thrown out and be trampled by men.

God accepts all people, we are all called to give our best..

The word says that we are the salt of this earth, and if we lose the flavor so that we are here, when I attend churches or Christian campaigns, the prophets say: the sick pass, and the first ones in line are the ones redeemed by the blood of the lamb.There are so many Christians who are fading before the circumstances of life, salt is the seasoning most used by man, it serves to highlight the flavors. We know that everyone has an opportunity, a purpose, you and I were called to Enhance the purpose of each life see this world.

The human body cannot live without salt, but its excess also produces diseases, which makes me think that we must have an accuracy when it comes to seasoning the lives of others.

What did Jesus mean by this statement that we are salt?

The moment we accept Jesus as a slaver in our hearts, we have the quality of seasoning with the holy ingredient to life, I have found lives off because that salt is lacking.

Another important point is that this salt must be transferred to our fellow men so that they also spice up the life of your family, community or country, hidden Christians thinking that your life comes from the government of the day, from the circumstance, if you have believed in Christ Then you must stand on the rock and believe in your heart that we are the perfect seasoning to reach others.

Salt in ancient times was as valuable as gold, and now it remains the same: salt tastes horrible alone, it is necessary to throw it into food, there are insipid people who are waiting for the glorious manifestation of God's children.


Where is your taste?

Salt prevents decomposition, salt also heals, see Kings where Elisha used the salt.Salt also burns, symbolically when you place salt on this world of sin will penetrate, it will burn like fire over dull lives. Another characteristic is that it thirsts, when you are a Christian of impact, of miracles, of prophecy of life, prosperity, your testimony will impact other lives, which will make you want to drink from what you have.

Today I invite you to follow the word of Jesus, we have to be that salt that season the lives of others in a special way, do not keep what the Lord has deposited in you, from our community and our international ministry Steemchurch begin to spice up lives around the world.

Take away that mental paradigm that we Christians come to condemn, judge, point out, to be perfect, no, we Christians come to show that we are weak, imperfect and that the high priest Jesus forgives us, lifts us and shames the world of the religious

Look for two or three people and tell him how many mistakes and situations the Lord has raised, show his scars, God is love and we are his glorious children.

Never go through someone's life and let this person remain the same, light your path, make it appetizing, desired land, created to praise the name of Christ.



Mother of the Crowds


This is beautiful Darlenys, words of kingdom of revelation and wisdom, we are salt let's not let the flavor get lost, we spice up lives.

Salt is a conservative and flavoring of lives, thanks for reminding us what the vision and purpose are as Christians.