I remember when I was a girl, innocent I walked through the four walls of a small church in a small town, my mother always took me to the services of the church, and I was sleepy, I fell asleep, in that course that seed of the word remained forever sown in me.
When I had to leave my family land to go after what seemed like my great dream, then I began my journey to what God wanted for my life.

I do not know why most people always want to be pastors or leaders, and they take this as something light, I always wanted to be behind the scenes, and when the prophets told me that they have a great ministry, a ministry of fire, that God wants use your life to bring souls to Christ, I always said within me: I do not want that, I just want to be a professional, a worker dedicated to her house, her husband and their children.
And so I did, I believed in God in my own way, I wanted to use my intelligence and my talents at the service of the world, but the world and the enemy saw in me what God had given me, and that same world began to oppress me, to weaken me , I spend like Jose, my friends sold me, took advantage of my good intentions, had no character, with the passage of time that good heart, was filled with bitterness and pain, then I said that a here would be fine for the Damage will not touch me.
For years I lived in that comfort of the light gospel, that of going to a church to hear a word, to pray to God, to believe that it exists and now.
Many things happened in my life, I only look at Christ, I remember that at a conference I attended, I was singing a song with my eyes closed, and suddenly I felt that a person was in front of me, that man took me hand in hand and told me these words: you have been living very comfortable in the place where you are, but just as Jose's robe was taken from him, in less than 72 hours the colorful tunic that represents the protection of God in your life, it will be taken away from you "my brothers in the period of that time my life changed abruptly, it is as if a devastating earthquake had happened and I went to live in the biggest desert.
That desert took me to the feet of Jesus, when people say I want to be a minister, pastor, they do not know what they are asking for, a ministry weighs, because they are thousands of souls that you are going to fight for, to follow God is not easy , it costs us our lives.
I have lived very hard moments of pain, sometimes you want to die, I have had to renounce my own desires, I have gone through the furnace of fire, the pain burns, it is when the potter makes you again, to be able to surrender to the divine purpose.
In the midst of trials I was able to see God, in his mercy, restoring every area of my life, of my being, one night I felt so weak, and in the midst of that fatigue, I felt that God came into my room and told me : daughter, why are you so tired if I am your father, raise Debora, you who sleep, my house needs you, my warrior "that I could never forget.
I am a woman who has been transformed and molded by God in a powerful way, still missing, the potter is still working those weak areas, but who knew me a while ago, I could not imagine what I am now, a woman of authority, where Every place I step on I have to possess, when the demons hear my voice tremble, I do not come to tell the stories of others, I come to raise a generation that for years have been in captivity, with my testimony of life, I have seen the power of God, his justice, his mercy and his kindness, God has raised me in this time for through his love to heal hearts, to remove from the jails those who are oppressed, to be a repairer of portillos, and to proclaim the year Nice of the Lord.
God has honored me with an Apostolic Ministry, a ministry of fire, I have always spoken to my Lord since I was young:
"Sir, I do not resign myself to go through this land without making a difference in the world, I will not pass without teaching the world who you are, I will not go through the life of the people and leave it the same, show me your glory, teach me your power, make your word in me not just logos, but live and effective words, show me the mysteries of your kingdom, the secrets very saved, make me a fisherwoman of hearts, a restorer of broken dreams, I know that someday we We go from this land but while here let me live your own promises, your miracles, your wonders, and my God has answered me: Darlenys, mother of multitudes, erupt, woman of fire, you will give birth to children in many parts of the world, because you will be like that lit torch that will mar the destiny of generations."
You will not see the dream of God in your life, but you pay a price, the price of love, I am a woman respected in the spiritual world simply because I have scars, and when the enemy sees me, sees the marks, the marks of Christ, the discipline, the price that I had to pay for the call, God will not use me to bring freedom, if I am not free, free from any feeling that opposes the will of Christ, he does not want sacrifices but obedience, and that is obedience but to keep his commandments.
I know there are many hearts wounded here, mistreated by the external environment, also many who were marked by their childhood, many have lacked a father, a mother, a lot of pain I could feel in my spirit, but the God of all grace wants to go through each life, each heart and make a home there forever, it's time to heal, let go of the past, here are hearts that have buried their longings, their hope, and today I come as a prophet of God to tell you that Jesus is here, at the door let him in, and receive the new he wants to deliver.
Kathryn Kuhlman said: "the price of the anointing is very high, the price for his presence to work in our life is very great, but it is worth it, because we no longer live for ourselves, now we live for Him"
Thus, my Christian Ministry is at the same time to love God and men, and to deny myself (Mark 12: 29-31, Luke 9:23). It is my hope that I will eventually choose only to respond in love, as I change, until I am only able to love (2a of Peter 1: 4)
We are going to witness how men and women are washed in their spirits to fulfill calls, to impact nations.
God is waiting for us .....

I love your apostolic ministry. God move you even to my nation Uganda, Africa for his glory
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This is a great post I must say. Like you said, the price is truly great and worth it. Thanks for sharing..
I didn't get the line below though, maybe you need to revise it.
which God wants to use to to take souls to hell
Yes thank you @hermannsol I already check
Welcome Sister..
A great post again I must say
I’ve come to know you more oh woman of faith, through your testimonies and your confession of faith! We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. So then death worketh in us, but life in you.
We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;
More grace beloved @darlenys01
Posted using Partiko iOS
Definitely Darlenys, you are an example to follow, a fighter, entrepreneur and you love God above all things, I know that the price for this call has been very high.
Very nice testimony of life, definitely Darleny if you are a witness of God.
Only those who pass through the fire can know God, you have said the marks are those that help us to help others.
your life has been constant struggles but God has given you victory in every battle, thank you Darlenys.
Great message I believe that God calls us for a task and you have been chosen for this, that God continues to illuminate your steps.
I have always admired your strength and intelligence, and I know that since childhood you have deep dreams in your heart, keep fighting for them.
The debora are a prophetess and woman of war, an Israeli judge, Diso has called you to battle.
Your life is an open book that will change the destiny of others, thanks for being that woman, mother of crowds.
A wonderful, but real story of what God has done in you,
My beautiful warrior Darlenys, God keep giving you strength.
Certainly, we al have a price to pay in our service for God's kingdom. We have to open up ourselves and be receptive to God and His expectations for our lives. You keep inspiring many.
This is amazing sister.
Thanks for sharing this with us, you are truly a great leader
Posted using Partiko Android
lovely thoughts miss ..
Love and believe in god is peace because
it stop you are sin and hates.
Your life story is a true inspiration.
Spectacular message @darlenys01 God is your rearguard, no doubt you are a beautiful woman.
Only those who have suffered can help others overcome the pain.
God bless you sister!@onisim.net