SteemChurch:Who is God?

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Learning to worship the infinite God is not an option for the Christian. The scriptures establish the worship of God as an imperative command. Both the old and the New Testaments are filled with exhortations to praise and worship God for his goodness as well as for his miraculous acts. This imperious need for adoration, however, is not given for us to recognize our subordination to an almighty God. It is not a decree of an egocentric Creator who wishes to govern his creation.

God desires a relationship with man. And God is love. So to know God is to love him. And to love him is the answer to his goodness, his greatness, his love and mercy, and to all that He is with a heart full of spontaneous praise and adoration.
We would not think of sharing our true feelings, fears and desires with a God who keeps distanced from our intensely human desires and worldly obligations. Our understanding of who is God must continually be greater so that our praise and worship reach greater regions of heavenly satisfaction. The scriptures are filled with the very revelation of God, who wants us to know Him as He is.



In order to unleash the greatness to which we have been called, we need to awaken all areas of our being. We are a spirit that we have a mind and we live in a body. Until your interior, your whole being is vivified, you can not unleash your greatness. A man, lame from birth, was taken to the door of the Beautiful one to ask for alms. All his life he asked for alms, and he was still lame. But, one day, Pedro and Juan arrived.

"7 And taking him by the right hand he raised him up; and at the moment his feet and ankles were affirmed; 8 And leaping up, he stood up and walked; and he entered with them into the temple, walking, and jumping, and praising God. 9 And all the people saw him walking and praising God. "Acts 3: 7-9

When God does a miracle in your life, to do something great with you, you have to awaken all areas of your life; He removes all natural and emotional limits so that there is passion in your life so that you can really praise Him. One of the reasons why not everyone unleashes their greatness, is because they are not jumping. You have lots of reasons to jump, to be cheerful; God is doing great things with you; the limits that you had before, God has been removing them, but you are still not jumping inside yourself. When there is emotional disconnection, in your emotional part, in your thoughts, you can not enjoy what God is doing and you can not fully manifest your faith. One of the biggest problems that people do not manifest greatness in their lives is because they have not been able to experience the true love of God. And when you do not experience the power of love, you can not exercise faith.


"14 For this cause I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 from whom all families in the heavens and on earth take their name, 16 to give you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with power in the inner man by his Spirit; 17 so that Christ may live by faith in your hearts, so that, rooted and grounded in love, 18 you will be fully able to understand with all the saints what is the width, the length, the depth and the height, 19 and of know the love of Christ, which exceeds all knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. 20 And to Him who is able to do all things much more abundantly than we ask or understand, according to the power that acts in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church in Christ Jesus for all ages, for ever the ages. Amen. "Ephesians 3: 14-21

Many quote verse 20, but do not reach 20 without going through the others. God gives you more abundantly than you ask or understand, but this is according to the power that acts in you. It is not the power of God towards you, but the power that acts through you that gives you more than what you ask or understand. And, for this, you have to live in the love of God; because what gives you more than what you ask or understand is the breadth, the depth of God's love. So, you do not have all the power of God, but if you know all the love of God, then, power works through you. You can not unleash greatness and God can not work through you, until you do not feel loved by God. You are not going to ask or expect anything from God, if you do not understand that He loves you. We tend to focus on a big vision, on goals; But what goals are you going to have if you do not love yourself? And, if you formulate goals that come from positive thinking, but inside you do not think you're good enough to have them, you end up disappointing. Because then you end up saying you did not have faith, but that's not it, but you do not feel loved by God to believe that.

Everything that God is going to do with you, he has to do first through you; and for that, you have to be grounded in your God, to experience how much He loves you. You want to have faith, but first you do not love yourself. You speak of God's love, but you have not experienced it yet; you have not learned to receive His love, you do not understand how much He loves you. You have to understand what not everyone understands, John 3:16: God so loved ... because love is demonstrated in a way. And God so loved you. It was so much his love, that he gave you his Son; he did not send an angel, he did not sacrifice animal; He sacrificed his Son to die for you on the cross of Calvary, and with him to give you all things, and to unleash the greatest in your life.



God is love, life, hope and truth ... !!!

Justice and equity are very important to God. But so are grace and mercy.

And so, while God will hold everyone accountable, each for their own lives, He extends His grace to the repentant sinner.

He promises that, "'If the wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed and observes all My statutes and practices justice and righteousness, he shall surely live; he shall not die.

All his transgressions which he has committed will not be remembered against him; because of his righteousness which he has practiced, he will live.

Do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked,' declares the Lord GOD, 'rather than that he should turn from his ways and live?...I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies,' declares the Lord GOD. 'Therefore, repent and live.''

God is the giver of life whose ultimate purpose for us is to reap the good of the land

Thanks for sharing


The greatest thing that our heart can treasure is God and his love ... thank you for your apostolic teachings.

God is the best decision of the human being, our shelter and strength all our hope

God is love and out of His love and compassion, e created us in His image and when we walk outside His commandments, He sent us His only begotten son to die for our sin for us to be redeemed.

He is the Alpha and Omega and the God of all.
The more we know Him,the more He reveal himself to us in new dimension.

God is the greatest and supreme being.... God is love. Jesus Christ is the only way to God.

precious message dear apostol @darlenys01 God is our everything, without him we are nothing, he is our potter, he says his word in psalms 46 that "God is our refuge and strength, Our help in the tribulations."

God is love, greatness, purity, nobility, but above all mercy, in God we find the magestuosity of creation, and we find it in all the perfection of his works. God is our father and our protector


Excellent message Sister Darlenys. God involves the areas of our being and goes beyond natural limits.

God's is love, you talk about God's love but you have not receive His love, this is because you don't love him in return, when we love God unconditionally he will give all things.


God is our refuge and strength. It fills us with the most sublime love, that love is to share it with others, as well as the goods we possess. Nothing pleases the eyes of the creator more than observing your works of mercy towards your brothers.

God in his infinite essence is love. His love sustains all creation, which includes man. Blessings Apostle.

GOD JEHOVAH is our Heavenly father who created us and send His son to die for our sins... the simple definition.