Love is one of the most important pillars on which life must be sustained.
"I give you a new commandment: that you love one another. As I loved you, so you love each other"
God has loved us and we should take an example to love our travel companions. Pure love can give us happiness and guide our path.
I think that when we are in love nothing scares us. Beside that person we feel safe. There is no fear in true love.
The language of lovers are full of feeling. by love can be crazy. "Do not beg me to leave you and turn away from you, because wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God my God" (Ruth 1:16).
Love makes us want impossible things. Sometimes you want to be as close as possible to the other and although it is physically impossible, you want to join more.
1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
4 Love is long-suffering, it is kind; love has no envy, love is not boastful, it is not puffed up;
5 does not do anything wrong, does not seek his own, does not get irritated, does not hold a grudge;
6 he does not enjoy injustice, but he enjoys the truth.
7 He suffers everything, he believes everything, he expects everything, he endures everything.
8 Love never stops being; but the prophecies will end, and the tongues will cease, and the science will end.
Positive soul connections
There is a very good example of an almighty father - son connection between Jacob and Benjamin. Genesis 44:20, 30 tells us: "... and his father loves him ... how his life is linked to his life". Jacob's love for Benjamin was so intense because he thought that Joseph had died. The problem in the connections of father - child souls can arise when they do not allow independence for the son to make his life or marry, when we must separate certain aspects of our paternal and maternal bonds, so that the children can have their lives and their own marriages.
We have examples in the Bible of soul connections among friends. 1 Samuel 18: 1, 3-4 tells us: "It happened when he had finished speaking with Saul, Jonathan's soul was bound up with David's, and Jonathan loved him as he loved himself. And Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as himself. And Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing, and gave it to David, and other clothes of his, even his sword, his bow and his sword belt. " David and Jonathan made a pact because they loved each other as friends in a very deep way. Their souls were tied or connected. The stronger the bond or the soulful connection between friends, the deeper and more lasting the relationship becomes. Also one's mental and emotional strengths will sustain the other in times of adversity and allow them to enjoy themselves together in times of victory. They will bring encouragement, security and communion through their relationship.
When love between friends is pure and not corrupted by selfish desires, the bond between both people will be a blessing. Jesus spoke about this type of love in John 15:13 "No one has greater love than this, that one give his life for his friends."
There are also souls who connect in a supernatural way and seem to be with us all their lives:
What can we observe in this beautiful friendship?
TRUE LOVE. There was not only appreciation or estimation. Jonathan loved David "as himself," and was equally reciprocated. Loving our friend as ourselves is necessary in this type of friendship.
A Same Vision. The friendship of these two young people was exemplary. As soon as they met, they united their souls in an endearing affection. Jonathan took off his warrior attire and gave it to David. This brotherly love quickly found a way to express itself.
One of the factors that most unite us with our friends are the experiences we have in common, the memories and what we share. The absence of selfishness, and transparency in communication.
- COMMITMENT. David and Jonathan made a pact in the style of the time. A pact of friendship, of loyalty, of love. The years passed in the middle of the wars, and one day, since Jonathan had died and David was King, David remembered his covenant. He wanted to know if there was a descendant of his friend who could benefit. And yes, he sent for a paralyzed son of Jonathan, restored his property and made him sit at his table in the palace until the end of his days.
Commitment, responsibility, giving something that costs and not only receive, loyalty even beyond death, are qualities that we can learn from this precious friendship.
"There can be no friendship without trust, no trust without integrity"
God loves us so much that He has designed a Plan for each one of us. When we remain connected to Him and obey His Will for our lives, this protects us from binding evil people. If you join or relate to beliefs, things, people and / or places that are outside of the Will of the Father, you will begin to lose control over your own thoughts that the Holy Spirit has placed in your heart, and the more this happens, the more you separate yourself from Communion with the Father.
Divine Connections
When the Lord wants to bless you, send people to do it and when the enemy wants to destroy you also try to do the same. But if you can not connect with harmful people, the adversary will try to destroy the divine connections God has made for your life.
Satan will always strive to distance you from people who serve as your guide, on the road to the purpose God has set for you, but no matter how hard you try, do not let him.
There are many divine connections that we see throughout the sacred text, such as: those of David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, Elijah and Elisha, among many others.
The people who come to your life in the form of divine connections, come with a commission from God to help you reach the destiny that was marked for you, that is why they support you, confront you, care to teach you, tell you when you act bad and you highlight the improvements. So if you have already identified someone with these qualities, love, respect and value him because not by coincidence, but by design of the Lord they have come to you.
"Some friendships break easily, but there are friends more faithful than a brother." Proverbs 18:24 (DHH)

The love of God is the only one that satisfies us and is not a harmful love, each day our love for him must be even greater and renewed because God is new every morning
very good topic to share, love comes from God without any relationship is possible family, couple or friendship. God bless you. Greetings.
Exact sister in true love there is no fear as the love of God there is no fear if your love is immeasurably great and loves us no matter what, so we must be us. Thank you for sharing blessings
Beautiful message Apostol @ darlenys01 I admire your sensitivity, thank you for the great friendship you show to your team and in general the passion for the dream that God has given you. You put love into what you do, you are a great example to follow, thank you for giving us that love.
beautiful words my dear @darlenys01, those people who are in our lives and come to improve them and give us new points of view, are put by God to take us to the right path, and very true is that we can come to love a friend as a brother. When the human being begins to believe that we are really all brothers and sisters of a single father who is God, this world will be better.
... And that is that love is the perfect link. Love is not bent by anything, there are no limits or boundaries. His flag is unique and has only one language ... The Bible speaks of its characteristics and are applicable to everything: To marriage, to friends etc etc
Love has no barriers and forgives everything, it is a supreme force
The nature of God is love. In this way, God loves the world that gave his unigenito so that all those in the kingdom can not lose more have eternal life. The one who loves is born of GOD because God is love. Love never ceases to be, because God himself is love. Blessings