in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


Six things the Lord hates, and seven abominate his soul:

*The haughty eyes, the lying tongue, the hands shedding innocent blood,
*The heart that schems wicked thoughts, the quick feet to run evil,
*The false witness who speaks lies, and the one who sows discord among brothers.
*The Bible says that Jehovah our God is love, but he is also a consuming fire (1 John 4: 8, Hebrews 12: 29).


Obviously, God is good and loving, but we must know that God also has a limit when dealing with us, so it is good that we keep a right heart so that we do not need to know the wrath of a living God.
We must know the things that God hates, to know if we also hate the same things.
We know that God's plan for man is to give him salvation and bless him in all areas of his life, an act that was made real through the sacrifice that JESUS ​​CHRIST made on the cross of Calvary.
God says (John 3: 16-17) "That he so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost, but may have eternal life.
Because God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world might be saved by him. "
So there are many signs and warnings that God has given us over the years, so we can access his word and keep it. Also show us his love in excess.

That is why today I want to draw your attention to these words spoken in proverbs 6: 16 where we find a God who is love. That is love, because that is its essence. Today he talks to us about "ABORRECTION".
According to the Spanish dictionary the word abhor means:
Having or feeling aversion or hatred towards someone or something.
While the biblical dictionary defines it as an emotion characterized by a great aversion or deep dislike. A complex feeling that may include anger, fear, disgust, enmity, hatred, contempt and ill will, along with the desire to harm the object or the person.
Hate or hatred is so strong that it is used as an analogy to express God's attitude to thoughts. The sinful ways and the character of sinners (Psalms 5.5, 6, Jeremiah 44.4).
Let's look at how proverbs mention things that are abomination to God, like the "lying lips" to the ritual acts and sacrifices offered without humility or spirit of adoration.
The same concepts pass to the new testament under the Greek term "bdelygma". According to Luke, Jesus declared that sometimes even "what human beings consider sublime, before God is abomination."

Many people wonder if God is love. How can he hate? Well, God does hate, an example of this is found in the verses where we are reflecting from the heart of God. He hates, he hates, he vomits the attitudes of pride, arrogance in the proud and distant eyes of men, those who are wise in their own opinion, and do not accept suggestions, or corrections.
Abhor the manifestation contrary to the truth, whose essence is the lie, because its purpose is to deceive. Remember that the father of lies is satan (John 8:44).
He hates the man of the wicked heart, who is unjust, evil, cruel and only lives treasuring thoughts of evil in his heart, and they do not sleep until they manage to find evil. The bible refers to them: "As is your heart, so are your thoughts."
The quick feet to run the evil. Let us meditate on how our walk is, because according to our heart's desire, it will be our way of moving.

All these things God hates. But of these six that are mentioned, God says that even seven abominate his soul; and this seventh is: "abomination." The word "abominate" is to condemn, provoke disgust, disgust and destruction. The one who sows discord between brothers are people with problems, who let themselves be influenced by satan to sow in the brothers all kinds of evil, and destroy the work of our Lord.
Let us take care of our walk and walk, let us take care of our thoughts and heart. Let us stand on the roads, and look and ask for the ancient paths, whatever the good way, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. (Jeremiah 6:16)

Many times God has spoken to my heart saying: do not worry about what they persecute you, they slander you, my revenge is mine, I will pay. Pray for those who curse you. If we were chosen by God to do a task, when someone interpose to her, she is placing obstacles to God's purpose. Now, will there be someone who can stop his plan?

Today I urge my brothers to meditate, not to act with badness because we do not know against whom we act, it is easy to judge, to envy, to covet. If we have identity in Christ we know that he is special with each one of us, that each one has a purpose, a call.

In these last days I have been reading, about some messages, in which there were endless comments, and in which I also wanted to give my opinion, but God told me not to do it, because those who have written are like the people who they threw stones at the woman who was found in adultery, none is free from sin. This led me to reflect on how weak and light we are to make judgments, when we are imperfect people, when there is something to correct we must simply repent, ask God's forgiveness, and move on. If God forgives us and leaves us as white as snow, in the same way we should do with our peers.

Because it is a horrible thing to fall into the hands of a living God!


excellent message apostol @darlenys. How good it is to remember that we have a loving God and full of love for his creation, but he also has a limit when it comes to our attitudes. As you say in the message: God is love, but it is also consuming fire. Reflecting on our attitudes is wise, humbly recognizing that we fail and that we need God to be able to advance is an attitude of obedience. Thank you for reminding us through the Bible of the things that God hates, and the things we should also avoid. Blessings.

Being a God who knows everything, He is irritated by a lying tongue and false slander. How often do we have to tolerate the immaturity of the very Christians who oppose our dreams, instead of helping us, they slander our plans. God is faithful and will recommend everyone according to his work. Thank you for sharing this educational reflection. God bless you Sister

Good publication beloved apostle, it is time to reflect let's try to keep our heart the Bible says: 1 JOHN 3:15 Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him. Just as the murderers did not enter, so little the gossipers, the conspirators, etc.
It is highly dangerous before the eyes of God to conspire because he promises that whoever rises up against his children will do it without him. And if God does not back you then who does it?


hello friend, God is good and forever his mercy

Indeed God is love but he also have his likes and dislikes.

We win his love by doing that which is good.
Engaging in what he clearly forbids us may result to judgements and condemnations.

God rebukes a wicked heart.

Hello Jacobite. I would add Matthew 5:45 to your comment "We win his love" . Matthew said "45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. " I want to say : God loves you now - in this moment. You don`t have to earn his love. Would you not loving your son, if he is messing things up ? Regards.


His love is for all but shall we continue in sin that grace (love) may abound?

For us to remain under His love, we are to continue to pursue goodness

You are right, following Jesus and beeing in sin is not working. Regards.

Thanks pal

Our God is love and as a Christian with identity in Christ we must never do what he dislikes..

amazing message @darlenys. That it is so great to recollect that we have an adoring God and brimming with affection for his creation, however he additionally has an utmost with regards to our states of mind. As you say in the message: God is love, yet it is additionally expending fire. Considering our states of mind is savvy, unassumingly perceiving that we fall flat and that we require God to have the capacity to progress is a mentality of acquiescence. Much obliged to you for helping us through the Bible to remember the things that God despises, and the things we ought to likewise maintain a strategic distance from. Endowments.