Samuel stayed there very happy, I do not cry because he was taught from childhood that he would learn and serve his God, he was a very obedient child.
Eli had two sons named Phinees and Ofni, who were very bad people. His father had to do something and prevent them from continuing as priests, because they did not deserve to be in the tabernacle, but he did nothing. One night when Samuel was older God called him 3 times, the three times the child ran to Eli believing that he was calling him, but the priest realized that it was God who called the child and said:
- "You will say to the Lord, speak to me Lord, that I will listen to you," and Samuel did.
And God said to the child:
- "The children of Eli are going to die in a fight against the Philistines and their father Eli, upon receiving the news, will also die.
And so it was, the children die in a fight and their father to receive the news, falls to the floor and hit his head dies. This is how God fulfilled his word.
The years passed and the great Samuel was not only very obedient to his God, he also became the last righteous judge of the people of Israel.