The Bible, besides being a Library composed of different books, are also God's instructions for the Way of the Salvation of man. In it we find that all human beings have sinned against God and that no one can earn heaven through works (Gl 2:16, Rom 3:20).
The Bible teaches us that the salvation of man is only through Jesus Christ (1 Tim 2: 5, Jn 3:16). Who was born of a virgin woman according to the Scriptures (Is 7:14), lived the life that none of us have been able to live, but also carried in Him, our sin and the punishment that we deserved (Is 53: 6; 2 Co 5:21, Col 2:14).
He died and rose again according to the Scriptures (Is 53: 5-12), being handed over to death for our transgressions and resurrected to justify us before God (Rom. 4:25).
We must read the Bible because it is the only manual that helps us to know God and instructs us in his Wisdom (Pr 2: 1-7). It also helps to prosper the way of man (Jo 1: 8), teaching him, exhorting him, correcting him and instructing him in Justice (1 Tim 3:16).
The Bible has a total of 66 books, The Old Testament is composed of the Pentateuch, and other series of historical, sapiential and prophetic books. In total 39 books in the Protestant version are numbered in the Old Testament and 27 from the New Testament.
The 39 books of the Old Testament are composed of:
The Pentateuch or the "Torah" (in Hebrew) is the set of the first five books of the Bible, which are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The Hebrew word "Torah" means teaching, instruction or Law, so that in its five books the teachings of God to the People of Israel are collected.
- Genesis (Gn)
- Exodus (Ex)
- Numbers (Nm)
- Leviticus (Lv)
- Deuteronomy (Dt)
The historical books in the Old Testament deal with the formation of the people of Israel, the exile to Babylon and the return to Jerusalem. In these books we learn about the walls that fell in Jericho, the reign of David, we know the prophet Elijah, and a series of irreverent kings.
The great lesson is that God keeps his promises and expects from his people obedience and fidelity.
This series of books in the Bible are after the pentateuch and before the poetic books.
- Joshua (Jos)
- Judges (Jue)
- Ruth (Rt)
- 1 Samuel (1Sm)
- 2 Samuel (2Sm)
- 1 Kings (1Re)
- 1 Kings (1Re)
- 1 Chronicles (1Cr)
- 1 Chronicles (1Cr)
- Ezra (Esd)
- Nehemiah (Neh)
- Esther (Est)
The poetic books of the Bible are composed by Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Songs. Its authors include Moses, King David and his son Solomon.
- Job (Job)
- Psalms (Salt)
- Proverbs (Pr)
- Ecclesiastes (Ec)
- Songs (Cnt)
the first are those who wrote works of many pages and are only five Isaiahs, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel,
Prophet is a Greek voice, and it designates the one who speaks for another, that is, for another; it is therefore equivalent, in a certain sense, to the voice "interpreter" or "spokesperson". But the meaning of the Greek voice matters little; we must turn to the sources, to the Hebrew language itself. In Hebrew the prophet is designated by two very significant names:
The first is "nabi" which means "ecstatic", "inspired", namely by God.
The other name is "roéh" or "choséh" which means "the seer", the one who sees what God shows him in the form of visions, reveries, etc., both names express the idea that the prophet is an instrument of God , man of God who does not announce his own word but the one that the Spirit of God breathes and inspires.
- Isaiah (Is)
- Jeremiah (Jr)
- Lamentations (Lm)
- Ezequiel (Ez)
- Daniel (Dn)
The minor prophets are twelve, almost all lived during the years 750 and 500 a.C.
With Hosea begins the series of the twelve Minor Prophets. They call themselves Minors not because they were prophets of a minor category, but because of the limited extension of their prophecies, in relation to the Major Prophets.
- Hosea (Os)
- Joel (Jl)
- Amos (Am)
- Obadiah (Abd)
- Jonás (Jon)
- Micah (Mi)
- Nahum (Nah)
- Habacuc (Hbc)
- Zephaniah (Sof)
- Haggai (Hag)
- Zacarias (Zac)
- Malachi (Mal)
The Old Testament (OT) is the first part of the Christian Bible. The second part of the Christian Bible is the New Testament.
I hope this study will be a great blessing for your Christian life and your biblical studies. We will continue studying the second part, God continue blessing them !!!