Hello @druids
I'm from Australia (originally from Malaysia) and a fervent follower of Christ.
I've been to Nigeria twice now and again this year. I believe I'm called to bring a new hope to the people there. I currently run a Coaching initiative to empower Social Entrepreneurs in Africa http://www.iamcatalyst.live.
And we have also launched a 52-week Apprentice Program http://www.iamcatalyst.live/apprentice
Let's connect.
Blessings to the work you and the others are doing on Steemit.
Mel @coachmelleow
Thanks Mel, i visited http://www.iamcatalyst.live and would love to be a catalyst ambassador buh i lack the fund required to subscribe for the 52 week apprentice program.
Your coaching initiative is indeed commendable, keep up the superb work.