in #steemchurch6 years ago

Gudmrn friends


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as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves
with compassion, kindness, humility (v12)

We begin today a theme that touches on a mostly neglected subject in Christian circles - the passionate yet tender love that lies at the heart of the Trinity. This is brought out over and over again in the scriptures, but so little seems to be made of it in our preaching and writing (and perhaps I've been as guilty of that as anyone) Nothing brings this truth home to
our spirits more powerfully than the fact that God refers to His chosen people in all-embracing, intimate, loving terms.

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The New King James Version translates today's text as:

Therefore as the elect of God, holy a and beloved

What a tender ring there is in the word 'beloved. In my view, it's a pity that the NIV has dropped the word 'beloved' from this and similar texts The NIV referring to God's love for His people, uses the word beloved' just twice (Deut. 33:12: Jer. 11:15). Perhaps, the translators of the NIV regarded the word beloved as belonging to another generation, but I believe the word still has a place today, and this is the term I shall be using throughout these meditations to describe the way in which God looks upon His redeemed children..

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Lady Julian of Norwich was once given a series of revelations into the sufferings of Christ and the wonder of the gospel. She was taken into the heart of God and came away with this
simple conclusion: 'We are not just the object of His care and concern-we are His lovers'

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According to Charles Finney. love
is 'bringing about the highest good in the life of another that is the kind of love God has for us. Divine love, however, also carries passionate yet tender elements. God is passionate about
His relationship with His people. We are beloved.

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Dear Father, help me to understand that the relationship You long
to have with me is a passionate, intimate one. I know that You are
what my heart longs for. I praise Your holy Name Amen.

Have a blessed day friends