The vision consists simply in a goal determined by God, placing it before us. In which, we reach see that mission or task accomplished, before having made it.
To fulfill the vision that the Lord shows, we must understand what he intends to do in our lives, as well as what awaits us, because there will be no obstacles that can stop us, since the Father will dress us with his power, to fulfill the vision.
However, we must bear in mind that even when the Lord gives us a perfect vision, for our lives, we are not exempt from making mistakes along the way. Remember that our Father's vision for us is always perfect, but we as human beings are full of imperfections.
To fulfill the vision that has been entrusted to us with a purpose, we must first recognize our failures, as well as be willing to correct them, having the ability to bend ourselves before God to recognize the faults.
Now raise your eyes and look from the place where you are to the north and south, east and west, since all the land you see will be given to you, your descendants forever, you will rise and walk the earth , throughout it, because I'll give it to you.
The Lord clearly wanted Abraham to have physical contact with the earth he was giving him to fulfill the vision. Because if you do not have physical contact with the revelation that the Lord gives us, then it will not be fulfilled.
We can cite as example, to fulfill and carry out the revelations that our Lord shows us, that the father of a vision in which you should be a preacher, the vision shown will not be fulfilled, if the person does not start preaching in his community or either at the door of your home, because you are not having physical contact, direct contact with the vision.

If the Lord has called you, you must not doubt, you must continue the path of vision, even when obstacles arise, you must walk far and wide, so that fears disappear.
When a person receives a revelation and is afraid, he does not truly know the Lord, remembers that there is nothing impossible for the Lord, you must know and believe in the Father so that there is no place for fear. or fear in our lives and thus fulfill the revelation.
The Lord clothes you with his power, so that you can fulfill the perfect vision, but we must walk the earth and have direct contact with the vision, this is achieved with faith.
Receiving the Father's vision has its meaning

When the Lord has shown us a vision, it is because we have a path, an established goal. But when there is no vision, people are naked, this means that a person without a suit do not go anywhere, because they have no vision.
Upon receiving a vision, it is necessary for us to stand firm on it, and we can not allow absolutely no one to separate us from it.
The Bible is clear and concise and it shows us a word that the Lord sends us.
There are many things that the Lord wants to do with us and for that, it is necessary for us to impart his power, and enable us with the perfect vision.
To fulfill the vision that has been entrusted to us with a purpose, we must first recognize our failures, as well as be willing to correct them, having the ability to bend ourselves before God to recognize the faults.
Without a doubt, those are the correct words. We must bow before our Lord, to recognize all faults and faults, and thus be able to fulfill the perfect vision of the Father.
The Lord clothes you with his power, so that you can fulfill the perfect vision, but we must walk the earth and have direct contact with the vision, this is achieved with faith.
Warm Regards
Hello, The Lord bless you. The contact with the earth is essential, from there our blessing will depart to fulfill with true rejoicing the perfect vision of the father.
God's calling is one of the greatest calling any man will pray to get, because when God calls you he will use you to do great and mighty things for his church.
We must not resist, we must be obedient, and make that perfect vision transformed into joy fulfilled for the Lord. He calls us with a purpose, he knows we are capable of fulfilling his mandates.
The more we walk with God, the He releases His power upon our lives. One thing is to have vision and another thing is to have the ability that will fuel its fulfilment.
By our own strength we cannot prevail but with the power and unction of God,we can certainty do all things through Christ which is our strength.
That is why we must allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, to fulfill the vision with obedience. The Father's strength makes us want more of him.
To fulfill the vision that has been entrusted to us with a purpose, we must first recognize our failures, as well as be willing to correct them,this is a very true statement!
All this is said by our creator, and is affirmed in the sacred scriptures.
When God shows us his vision, it means he has a mapped out destiny for us, without the visions of God for our lives we are just like branches without trees.
That's why we need Gods vision to guide us in any path we decide to take in life, God's vision brings a clearer purpose for mankind and that's why we must answer his call, whenever he beckons
Your call should be the most beautiful for us, and we should receive it with joy, because it has a purpose that must be fulfilled, and it is wonderful that it uses us for that.
"If the Lord has called you, you must not doubt, you must continue the path of vision, even when obstacles arise, you must walk far and wide, so that fears disappear, no doubt one must march forward without fear when one is called!
We should not be afraid, because the Lord tells us that we should not fear, and his call is for a special purpose, which must be fulfilled according to his will.
When God has show us vision is because we have a path, an established goal. you must not doubt, you must continue the path of vision, even when obstacles arise, you must walk far and wide, so that fears disappear....thanks
Walk and leave fear behind, because the call of God is stronger than nothing, and must be fulfilled.
We can do all things tgrough christ who strengthens us,taken a look at this you will understand that it didn't say something but all things so whatever it is that we put our mind i. We will surely excell on it.
We will overcome it because we trust in the Lord, and there is nothing and no one who can against him.
The vision to do only his will..... Nice post bro
The will of the Father is to make good men in us to fulfill the perfect vision.
He has always provided us with power and not just mere power but sufficient power. Our vision will be made manifest by following his words and keeping it too. He is the most powerful and can do all things through his will.
Through his will and only then, is that we achieve all things. We do not act, without God manifesting it.
God is greatful.
When God reveals something never hesitate to bring it into action and do according to his will.
During his stay on earth he prepared a good way for us and promised us of his holly spirit.
The spirit has always been with christ on earth till he ascended , he sent the spirit to be with us after that , this is to show good and marvelous he is to us .
He sent us a comforter and a protector .
The spirit has been leading us through our lives as christains.
His spirit should always make us proud anytime we are lead by his spirit.
Beautiful words, he they cover us and we are always guided, we must be obedient and stay faithful to him. cotinuando with what God wants us to do on earth.
I love this
The vision is for a set time,.... Wait for it.
I due time, it will come to pass.
Thanks for sharing
Before we achieve it, we have already seen it because the Lord wanted it so. he manifests himself, he makes the call, and we must fulfill it without fear, regardless of the obstacles in the way, faith must always be placed in the Lord.
thanks for sharing this post