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RE: The Great And Terrible Day Of The Lord Cometh

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Maybe you are right Alan. I'll give you the chance to prove me wrong, and what you are claiming is right. If at any time you would like to prove you are a part of a cult of retards who worships some weirdo "bitch-titties" as their God completely correct, and rejects what I am saying as the obvious truth - please do so by positively refusing to answer my questions in whole:

  1. Is it "malum in se" for any person to use force and violence against others in furtherance of their political or social objectives?

  2. Do any persons possess a natural right to use force and violence against others in furtherance of their political or social objectives?

  3. If it is "malum in se" for any person to use force and violence in furtherance of their political or social objectives - can any group of people delegate or convey to anyone else the right to do something that individuals cannot do themselves because that act is "malum in se"? If so, what is the mechanism and on who's authority does this conveyance occur?

  4. Have you claimed on multiple accounts that "Lord Rael" has used force and violence (tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, plagues, destruction of property and lives etc.) in furtherance of his political objective of taking control of Earth?

  5. Is the definition of "Terrorism" under 28 C.F.R. 0.85 (L) correct? ("Terrorism includes the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.")

LOL! Eternal damnation. Seriously? If you'd like to ensure whether or not Rael is truly your God - or the principles I am talking about are our real "god" - please arrange a meeting between Rael and myself. If I can't snap his faggy little neck before your vary eyes with my bare hands in a minute - I'll totally believe you and accept what you are saying. Until I have the opportunity to snap bitch-titties' little neck before your eyes with my bare hands - I'll assume he'll hide like a coward just like you'll hide from my questions. It's who you all are, and it's the depth of what you are claiming.