Bible reference to: Psalm 85..... And In verse 6 of this book, psalm, the psalmist petitions God for recovery. Many today are imploring a comparative supplication, and in this investigation we should find a portion of the things that God says in regards to recovery. A few of us have seen recoveries on a little scale, where in swarmed gatherings numerous souls have been spared, lives have been changed and there has been a profound soul of petition resting upon the general population of God; however few of us have seen any extensive scale restorations.
We have read adequately about such strong developments of the Spirit of God to make us yearn for the Lord to do it again! But – what is revival? Revival is restoration, and renewal – - a crisp inflow of the life, love and energy of God. Flowers blossom when set in new water they revive. Christians and churches additionally hang, black out and require revival. There are several degrees of revival. An ill person may revive and show signs of improvement, and afterward later be reestablished to full health and strength. The same is valid with Christians and houses of worship.
As we examine this psalm, let us supplicate that we may turn out to be profoundly loaded for God to send a full-scale Holy Ghost revival in our homes,work places, locales, and in fact all through the world. What are the means that prompt such a revival?
1. We should admit our NEED of Revival
The psalmist's prayer was an admission of need; it was just when he felt the need that he asked – verse 6. Think about the requirement for revival:
●. In the outside world. Multitudes are without God and without trust on the planet (Ephesians 2:12); many of them are outside the house of God, and reviv is the main key to this shocking circumstance.
●. In the Church. Many Churches are worldly, formal and ailing in spiritual power and imperativeness. Nothing but revival can transform this situation.
●. In our own particular lives. How weak we are! How as often as possible we come up short, our declaration appears to be inadequate, and how little we implore! Revival is our personalneed. There will never be any revival until the point that we will concede our urgent requirement for it.
2. We should concede the POSSIBILITY of Revival.
Is it true that we are persuaded that revival is conceivable? The psalmist was! Six times in verses 1-3 he helped God to remember what He had done – - "You showed… … You restored". What's more, the way that God has sent restoration in the past shows the possibility of revival returning once more. A few people won't concede the likelihood of restoration coming in our day; for instance, the ultra-dispensationalists, and all cynical, unbelieving, smug, common Christians will be ease back to concede the likelihood. Be that as it may, history, in addition to the guarantees of God, demonstrate the likelihood of revival. Look into 2 Chronicles 7:14; Jeremiah 33:3; Malachi 3:10
3. We should perceive the SOURCE of Revival
Where does revival originate from? Verse 6 lets us know. "You… … " – - look into Psalm 62:11. It originates from God; it isn't worked up yet sent down, and thusly our eyes must not be upon men, strategies, houses of worship or sections – - yet upon Him.
"When we hope to man, we get what man can do; when we look to cash, we get what cash can do; when we look to association, we get what association can do; when we look to sections, we get what groups can do; yet when we look to God, we get what God can do." Look into Psalm 62:5.
4. We should utilize the MEANS for securing Revival.
What is the mystery of revival? It is prayer – "Will you not… … ?" (verse 6) – energetic, accepting, dire supplication. Has there ever been a revival that was not gone before by prayers? – Pentecost, the Moravian Revival, the 1859 Revival, the Welsh Revival, developments of the Spirit that are occurring in various parts of the world today… … Look up 2 Chronicles 7:14 once more.
5. We should give the CHANNELS to Revival.
God is needing to send revival, however He needs channels – - "us" (verse 6) – - devotees, Christians; for – - "Revival is the outpouring of the Spirit of God through the recovered soul of man" (John 7:38-39). Along these lines, if reviv is to come, you and I are to be prepared to get the full gift of God and to be channels through whom that gift can stream.
6. We should expel the OBSTACLES to Revival.
In verse 6 the psalmist appeals to God for revival – - "that your kin may cheer in you." This shows cooperation, strolling with God, concurrence with God (Amos 3:3) – - being appropriate with God. The most noteworthy boundary to revival is sin. Is it true that you are appropriate with God? Is there transgression in your life? Is it accurate to say that you are living in noncompliance to the Lord? Face up to this!
- We should appreciate the RESULTS of Revival.
As Christians we should pray for God to send a full-scale Holy Ghost revival in our homes,work places, locales, and in fact all through the world..
ResteemedThanks for sharing this post with the @steemchurch.... cast all your troubles unto the Lord, for he is well able to deliever.
That is the truth ". In the Church. Many Churches are worldly, formal and ailing in spiritual power and imperativeness. Nothing but revival can transform this situation"
Revival is what we need as Christians.
Fresh fire of The Holy Ghost.
This is a wake up call for me.
Thank you for this.
"When we hope to man, we get what man can do; when we look to cash, we get what cash can do; when we look to association, we get what association can do; when we look to sections, we get what groups can do; yet when we look to God, we get what God can do."
Wonderfully expressed. I love the illustration of what the image depicts. Well done.
Do we really need to have Christ in us or do we really need to bring his joy in our mind always, the spirit of God has always be there for us and he has always been direction us according to his will and glory through he who made the earth.
There are millions of questions we need to ask our selves but what is important is that how is our faith and trust strong in the lord.
He our leader and everything we need he has made everything according to his powers and his glory h has perfected our life with his perfect life as a leader.
You must he ready to loose some earthly things and be ready to carry the cross with him.
Those who have given their lives to him will always be there to stand for him always .
Many don't know what it means to be with Christ and stand in his ways and do his ways will , the love of God is only bound to those who put their whole heart in the lord and do what God expect them to do through him who made heaven and earth.
The spiritual man must be revived!
We can have the power of His presence. We can experience a revival.
But listen, if we expect to see revival in America or any other countries, it must begin with the states. If we expect to see revival in our state, it must begin with the cities. And if we expect to see revival in our city, it must begin with the churches. If we expect to see revival in our church, then it must begin with the home. And, listen to me; if we expect to see revival in the home, it must first begin with you. Ad if we expect to see rivival in ourself, it must first start with the spirit.
Being light among darkness, someone different, compassion, generosity, kindness and charity should be many of the qualities of a Christian being.
When there is hope it is because we have faith, with the same we cry out in God's heart that in moments of fear, anxiety and problems, in those moments the correct step to experience the powerful liberation of God and his protection in simply the mind. Use our voice in a fervent request for His help. Blessings...
Every now and then, a believer needs revival.
Thanks for sharing ways which this can be achieved.
The points were really precise
Thanks for sharing this post with the @steemchurch.
The universal source of revival is from God. And as such being in union with him ensures we are never low on it