Hello friends of STEEMIT.
Today I want to share with you one of my greatest and most important passions, the reading of the bible. Especially the story of Jesus the son of God and his miracles. Today I will talk about one of the most beautiful and impressive miracles done by Jesus: The healing of a paralytic.
The Bible tells us in the Gospel according to St. Mark: 2: 1-12 that Jesus arrived and visited his city y,Capernaumm and immediately spread the word that he was there teaching people about the kingdom of God; but the place where he was was completely full and the access was complicated. Outside of where Jesus was, there were 4 men carrying a paralytic; but because of the crowd they could not enter the place where Jesus was.
Then they came up with a great idea and this would be the most impressive, they climbed to the roof of the place where he was, and with them the paralytic; Then they discovered the roof to make a hole where they put the paralytic in his bed and lowered it to the middle where they were. It tells the biblical story that Jesus, seeing the great faith of these men, moved and healed the paralyzed man, forgiving his sins. Instantly the man got up from his bed and began to give glory to God and all those who are gathered believed in Jesus.

Imagine for a moment being in this condition, paralytic and that the only way out to heal you is to climb to a ceiling, discover it and go down until you can enter the place of your miracle; for some of that time perhaps it seemed impossible and very complicated to achieve; but there was something that made the difference at that time and this is the FAITH that those who accompanied the paralytic had, because it was they who did everything necessary to make him healthy. Today, that same power that healed this man is available to us, only if we have FAITH IN JESUS.
All of us at some point have made a prayer and perhaps this has not been answered or granted by God and we have thoughts of negativity and disbelief; but the scripture says in the book of: Hebrews: 11: 6 that without faith it is impossible to please God; that is to say, it is our FAITH that will make the power of God move in our favor. Today I invite you to believe more and more in Jesus and in his power.

The world and humanity need to turn to God so that they come from his presence times refreshing and renewed for our lives. Overcoming difficult moments will only be possible with the help of God and his power, as well as lifting the paralytic and forgiving his sins, he also longs to forgive yours, there are diseases worse than paralysis; those of the soul such as depression, the pain caused by the loss of a relative, debts, divorce, fighting with children in rebellion. All this we can overcome in CRISTO JESUSS because it is HE who will give us strength.