STEMMCHURCH: The Spiritual Life

in #steemchurch7 years ago

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Proverbs 14:27
The fear of Jehovah is a source of life to depart from the bonds of death.

Having a life Spiritually gathered to God gives us the salvation of our souls, Jesus died on the cross so that we may have life and have it abundantly, to have a spiritually victorious life in communion with the will of God we must first Love God over All things, the spiritual life grows as we exercise and nourish our mind and heart with the word of God.

When we are well spiritually we transmit it and everything goes well, we can help our neighbor, our spiritual life requires an intimate relationship with the Lord, that is why it is so important to pray and be baptized, since baptism is the sacrament that opens the doors of our intimate love relationship with the Lord.
All spiritual life is a process, it is something that is learned throughout life, to fulfill the commandments is very important to be in communion with God.

Love, tolerance, obedience are key to keeping us well spiritually, we must also stay away from the pleasures of the world that only lead us to sin and spiritual death. We must see all the things that happen to us in a positive way and not let us steal peace for the enemy that only wants to disturb our minds and our lives.

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Let us not forget that our Lord Jesus Christ died to give us eternal life, let us glorify the Lord by following in his footsteps and preaching his word here on earth.