STEEMCHURCH - The stubbornness of a man before the will of God.

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

God be with you and with all your family, dear brothers.

The will of God is absolutly inevitable and unbreakable. God gives his word and no man should pretend to challenge him.

Remember the story of Moses on his return to Egypt to free the people of God.
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"Moses came before Pharaoh and told him that it was God's will to free the Israelites to worship him in the desert, but Pharaoh was stubborn and said he did not obey orders from any God, even dared to challenge his will and refused to liberate the Israelite people.
Moses warned that in the face of this stubbornness and defiance of the word of the Most High, Egypt would be plagued with great plagues, diseases and the Nile River would be filled with blood and all the crops were destroyed and rain of fire and hail were sent to Egypt until Pharaoh obeyed the will of the King of Kings.
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But Pharaoh once again refused and told Moises that they were witchcraft tricks. Then Moses warned him that now God would send one more plague that would kill all the firstborn of Egypt at midnight, and so it was. That same night the firstborn of Pharaoh died and it was then when he told Moses that he could take the Israelites and leave them free. "
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The word God is firm and he wants us to be on his way and not to oppress his people. And just as I banish Satan from heaven and send him to hell, so does God punish those who defy his word.

Psalm 12: 3 says; Jehovah will destroy all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaks boastfully.
And zacarias 7: 8-12 tells us; And the word of Jehovah came to Zacharias, saying, Thus says Yahweh of the armies, saying, Judge according to the truth, and do mercy and pity every one with his brother; do not oppress the widow, the orphan, the foreigner or the poor; nor does anyone think ill of his heart against his brother. But they did not want to listen, before they returned the sword and covered their ears not to hear and put their hearts like diamonds, not to hear the law or the words that Jehovah of the armies sent by his spirit, through the first prophets; Therefore, great anger came from Jehovah of the armies.

The word of God came to the Prophet Zechariah, at the moment when Israel was submerged in the misfortune of the perdition of man himself. Different rituals were celebrated and they worshiped fictitious gods and oppressed people who believed in God the One. But even so, they lived behind the law of God. because they did not want their eyes to be open to the truth and punished the people according to their laws.

Let us seek God, let us keep his word, let us stay on the path of good and help God to liberate others through the word. This is a fight against evil and we as soldiers of God are called to fight this battle with the most powerful weapon that God has given us. Your word, love and life.

God be with all of us!!!


Pharaoh was a really stubborn king. We would love to support this story by you, but first we need you to do some things. Can you add a picture to the post? Can you also throw some light on what Zacarias means?


Yes, sure. I'm going to add some illustrations, and fix it because I'm sure this community has young people or maybe children supervised by their parents and I'd love to show you this story a little more illustrative with images that tear off internet sources. But my connection to the network failed and I could not upload them. However, it has already been solved and I am now preparing to finish it. Thanks for your contribution @steemchurch

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