STEEMCHURCH: Let's be like David. The Brave!

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)



Blessed are all, Brothers and Sisters in God. And every good work done by our hands, his glorification is for God, our heavenly father. Amen!

We find ourselves in times in which our faith in God and our firmness and courage to continue to adore him and to remain faithful to him, are put to the test. This due to the current realities:

We are in a world completely upside down, where the systems are totally collapsed, good habits are almost lost, good deeds are scarce, corruption absorbs us, immorality is depressing, injustices are outrageous, debauchery It is alarming, the poverty of the peoples is saddening, the lack of education is totally overwhelming and the distancing of man from God is perceptible on a daily basis.

Many people have been absorbed by the system, fashion, trends, false adorations, among others, for fear of feeling rejected in society, for fear of being branded as outdated, for not feeling popular among their peers or simply for letting themselves carry all the tricks that Satan uses to deceive man and turn him away from the path of God.

Let's review what Mark 8: 38 tells us "For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels".

While it is true that our firmness in God is put to the test every day, it is also true that God gives us strength and will every day when we wake up so that we stand firm in his path and do not fear the deceptions and attacks of Satan in his struggle. to deviate from the path of God.

Let's be brave like the young David, who faced dangerous dangerous circumstances and came to defeat the Goliath Giant. To finally become the King of Israel by God's decision.

                                                                   Do you know his story?

I invite you to review it together and get the courage that David always showed in any situation.



The Young David lived in the town of Bethlehem, was the youngest of the eigth children of his father Jesé and was dedicated to take care of the sheep in the flock of his father. From a very young age they taught him about Jehovah and he learned to consider him and feel him as his best friend and through him he felt secure and confident in everything he did, because he was certain that God would always help him. Many times he faced dangerous circumstances, such as when a lion took a sheep from his father's flock or when a bear tried to attack the sheep, on both occasions David, full of courage, courage and security was behind these beasts and killed them and recovered the sheep.


Once the Philistine soldiers were preparing to attack Israel and take their people as captives, then the Israeli soldiers prepared and set out in battle against the Philistines and began to fight. Many fallen in battle of each army, but the Philistines had a soldier who boasted to be a powerful giant and win many battles. It was then that when Goliath appeared in the middle of the battle and all the Israelite soldiers feared and fled when they saw Goliath, and he mocked the Israelite soldiers and said that; "Come a soldier Israel to fight with me and if he knocks me down we will be his servants, but if I win you will be servants of us".




This was when David stood in front of Goliath and said; "I will fight with you," and Goliath began to offend him and mock him and told him; "Come against me and I will surely kill you and give your flesh to the beasts and birds of the field." David answers him; "You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I am coming to you with the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the battle lines of Israel, whom you have defied with scorn."



And it happened that the Philistine got up and kept coming and approaching David's meeting, and David began to hurry and run towards the battle line, to meet the Philistine. Then David put his hand in his bag and took from there a stone and threw it with a sling, so he hit the Philistine on the forehead, and the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face. Earth. So David, with a sling and a stone, was stronger than the Philistine, and overthrew the Philistine and killed him; and there was no sword in David's hand and he continued running and managed to stand on the Philistine. Then he took the sword and pulled it out of its sheath and definitely killed him when he cut off his head with it. And the Philistines came to see that his powerful was dead, and they fled.

The question we would ask then would be: How could David beat Goliath? Was he stronger or more agile than he? For David could against Goliath because he was in the name of Jehovah God, our father. God gave David the courage and strength to face him and win the battle in the name of God. To demonstrate to the Philistine soldiers they were challenging the people of God and that he would come out to defend them.

 Many times we feel challenged by people and circumstances that at first sight seem to be stronger and more powerful than us. And without the help of God, we could hardly overcome it. That is why we must always keep in mind that God is the one who will fight our battles, we are the instrument used by him but the strength and strength is of God. Satan is always attentive, he does not sleep or rest, seeking to make us vanish and turn us away from the path of God, and for that he uses techniques, traps, means, and deceives us. It makes us feel afraid many times so that we do not seek refuge in God and surrender to him through his tricks to deceive the children of God.
That is why it is necessary to maintain ourselves in God, with security, with firmness, with courage. There will be difficult times and God will never abandon us, God will always be there taking care of each of our steps as long as we stay close to him and despite the fact that the entire social system where we live daily is corrupt and collapsed we do not decline in our firm decision to be faithful to him. Many dark and negative forces are using Satan to deceive us and make us feel fear, it is placing barriers in our path so that we decide to go through another, but God has inherited David's Courage.

                                                      Let's be then, like David. The Brave! 




God be with each of us brothers and sisters in God. And we join more and more as a congregation, started by @steemchurch, to grow in spirit and divine faith in God and his Son Jesus Christ and reach the other users of this platform with the primary interest to renew our belief and worship to the Almighty One. omnipresent, God. Amen!