The ten commandments(Gods law)

in #steemchurch7 years ago

The Ten Commandments are an arrangement of tenets or laws, God provided for the general population of Israel. The decrees exist in various variants. One form can be found in the Book of Porno of the Bible. Another variant can be found in the Book of Horeb.
In the book of Exodus, the mountain is called Mount Sinai, the book of Horeb discusses Mount Horeb. Both are presumably unique names for a similar mountain.
The principles were composed on stone tablets. These tenets are essential for Judaism and Christianity and for all social orders in light of their standards.


At times these standards are additionally called Decalogue (from Greek, can be deciphered as ten explanations). The name decalogue initially happens in the Septuagint. The Jews got the instructions after they had left Egypt amid the rule of Pharaoh Thutmose. There are distinctive writings discussing the charges. A large portion of them are in the Bible: The Book of Exodus, Chapter 20 and the book of Deuteronomy, Chapter The Qu'ran notices the tablets however does not list the very same charges. For example Quran 17:23-39 begins with adoring God alone and regarding your folks.


The Bible in Basic English interprets the rules from Exodus along these lines:

•1 And God said every one of these words:

•2 I am - the Lord, removed you from the place where there is Egypt, out of the jail house.

•3 You are to have no different divine beings however me.

•4 You are not to make a picture or picture of anything in paradise or on the earth or in the waters under the earth:

•5 You may not go down on your appearances previously them or give them adore: for I, the Lord your God, am a God who won't give his respect to another; and I will send discipline on the kids for the bad behavior of their fathers, to the third and fourth era of my haters;

•6 And I will show kindness through a thousand ages on the individuals who have love for me and keep my laws.

•7 You are not to make utilization of the name of the Lord your God for a detestable reason; whoever takes the Lord's name on his lips for an abhorrent reason will be judged a delinquent by the Lord

•8 Keep in memory the Sabbath and let it be a sacred day.

•9 On six days do all your work:

•10 But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; on that day you are to do no work, you or your child or your little girl, your man-hireling or your lady worker, your cows or the man from an odd nation who is living among you:

•11 For in six days the Lord made paradise and earth, and the ocean, and everything in them, and he took his lay on the seventh day: therefore the Lord has given his approval to the seventh day and made it sacred.

•12 Give respect to your dad and to your mom, so our life might be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

•13 Thou sha not kill.

•14 Do not be false to the hitched connection.

•15 Do not take the property of another.

•16 Do not give false observer against your neighbor.

•17 Let not your want be swung to your neighbor's home, or his better half or his man-hireling or his lady worker or his bull or his rear end or anything which is his.

The ten commandments :

I am the Lord thy God, thou should not

1: have any bizarre divine beings
previously me.

2:thou should not make for thyself any

Craven image.

3:thou should not abuse the name of the

Master your God.

4:Remember the Sabbath day and keep

it heavenly.

5:Honor thy father and thy mother.

6:thou should not kill.

7:thou should not submit infidelity.

8:thou should not steal.

9:thou should not give false declaration

against your neighbor.

10:thou might not pine for your neighbor's

house, spouse, or property.



We are happy that you could share with us the Ten commandments given to Moses on the mountain @Adosimena

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Thanks so much steemchurch, as Christians it's very important we adhere to the teachings of the ten commandments.

Christ’s higher level Law reveals the Father’s perfect heart. The Father loves His enemies and has compassion with people. For that reason the Law of Christ requires His followers to do the same. The “Law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2) is the law as it existed “from the beginning”. The Law of Moses was God’s eternal laws for mankind, but reduced to fit the condition, abilities and needs of the enslaved and corrupt little nation of Israel. But Christ again revealed the eternal principles on which the Law of Moses was based.

The tale ten commandments was indeed a story to reckon with. It was indeed the first God's law known to man. Thanks for sharing this post

The 10 commandment are rules by which we should abide by in our lives!

This is a good post about the 10 commandments!

Ten commandement is a law to abide with though its very difficullty to abide by and thats why Gid gave us a universal law which is love and it contains all oyher laws.

It is very important as christians we should obey the commandment of God.

God's commandment is essential and mankind must remember that it's essential to uphold it, this is amazing, thank you for writing

A good write up.
The laws in the time of Moses should not be forgotten even if they have all been combined into the law of Christ which is love. Those laws should be reminders that those things which God commanded against are still yet not his will.