
bid 0.703

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @pizzachain's bid of 0.703 STEEM

@pizzachain's bid of 0.703 STEEM has been overbid by @planosdeunacasa's bid of 0.730 STEEM

bid 0.733

Congrats on bidding and winning! Send over the 0.733 Steem and the cards will be sent to the @pizzachain account unless you wish the cards to be sent to another, if so, please include that information in the memo portion of the transfer. Thanks and congrats again!

Found it slightly childish of you, but I’ll act like the adult here and I’ve sent you the Steem now. For the next time, just send them, then I’d send quickly as well.

lol, I can't tell if your comment is for real or not so I guess here is a real reply. Please be aware when you win an auction, whether using @SteemBay or eBay or anywhere really, or if you buy something from a store.. you do have to send payment first before you receive the items.

Your cards will be sent over shortly, I genuinely thanks for sending payment, late or not, it is good to infuse in the blockchain you kept your contract so now I can fulfill my portion by sending the cards over.

Edit: I remember you! This has already happened before and you know how this works

You'll get your cards shortly, if you do win another auction please remember this is how this system works, no emotion involved of childnesness excepting calling someone childish lol. Congrats again on bidding and winning!

Delaying the sending of cards only makes misunderstandings and confusion possible and especially magnifies potential delays, which is fairly annoying.

The #steembay Auction has finished.
The winning bidder is @pizzachain with an amount of 0.733 STEEM - Congratulations!

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @pizzachain's bid of 0.733 STEEM