
bid 6.2

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @eikejanssen's bid of 6.200 SBD

@eikejanssen's bid of 6.200 SBD has been overbid by @twinner's bid of 6.666 SBD

bid 7.1

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @eikejanssen's bid of 7.100 SBD

@eikejanssen's bid of 7.100 SBD has been overbid by @gamingchimp's bid of 7.500 SBD

bid 7.51

@eikejanssen's bid of 7.510 SBD has been overbid by @twinner's bid of 8.001 SBD

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @eikejanssen's bid of 7.510 SBD

bid 8.25

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @eikejanssen's bid of 8.250 SBD

@eikejanssen's bid of 8.250 SBD has been overbid by @gamingchimp's bid of 8.251 SBD