
Do I have to do anything special for the buy now thing?

Incidentally my username on steemmonsters is b00m (two zeros instead of o's) When will I pay?

Haha @meesterboom - first the two of us go for some beer - you pay of course and then we do the rest.

Usually you pay and I send the cards - so your SM account is *meesterb00m" - will do in 10 minutes.

Then beers it is! Meet me down the pub!!

ITs just b00m it is my mini zapl account and steem monsters account. Those are zeros

I will send the mullah right now!

ok so I send to @b00m - meet you at the bar

Hehe, yeah! We can start on the blondes! Beers, of course ;O)

first blondes, followed by the dark ones - girls of course :-)

Heheheh, of course!