
Auction Finished

Start: 100.000 STEEM

Auction closed at 2018-10-17 15:57:45 GMT

Winning bid of 545.000 STEEM by @misslasvegas

Auction Information

Start: 100.000 STEEM

Auction closed at 2018-10-17 15:57:45 GMT

Winning bid of 545.000 STEEM by @misslasvegas

Daily Report.You can advertise your auction while supporting our service by following @steembay and voting for our

Auction Information

Start: 100.000 STEEM
Cashout time: 2018-10-17 15:57:45 GMT

Highest bid of 330.000 STEEM by @espoem

Daily Report.You can advertise your auction while supporting our service by following @steembay and voting for our


bid 150

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @theaustrianguy's bid of 150.000 STEEM

@theaustrianguy's bid of 150.000 STEEM has been overbid by @espoem's bid of 155.000 STEEM