Steemit Sticker Auction! Starting at 1 penny! Free Shipping Worldwide

in #steembay7 years ago (edited)

#SteemBay is here, and I want to try it out. I got this neat Steemit logo at #steemfest 2, but I'm not the type to put stickers on my laptop, but I'm sure there's someone among my followers who would.

I'm starting bids at 1 penny and I'll cover shipping.

Check out this post for info on how to bid:

The bot should reply and hopefully it will be self explanatory from there.

Edit: As of this writing the top bid is 1 SBD. View comments below to see bidding process.

Edit: After the first day, the top bid is 2 SBD. With bids slowing down, should I set an earlier end time?


You'd save on posting costs if you just give it to me so even though the highest bid is 1 SBD I'm still going to
Bid 0.01 SBD

Rejected :-P

wateva, I can just take it :-b

Don't you dare O.O

bid 0.05

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @hmagellan's bid of 0.050 SBD

@hmagellan's bid of 0.050 SBD has been overbid by @robbieretard's bid of 0.100 SBD

Thank you for using #steembay. This is an automatic auction, that will moderate your sale. The auction will start as soon as you upvote this comment and set a starting price with a comment.

To set the starting price and to open your auction, upvote and reply with:
start 1.0

To cancel the auction write a comment:
cancel auction

To end the auction early write a comment:
end auction

Bidder Information

Bids have to be placed as a comment in the following format:
bid 1.0
The currency is SBD.

Lower, equal and invalid bids will be rejected.

Placed bids can be revoked by:
revoke bid

start 0.01

Auction is now opened. Starting price is: 0.010 SBD

Bids will be accepted until cashout time: 2017-11-27T22:51:36 UTC

Bid 0.010 SBD

The bid was rejected because the amount is to low. The bid has to be higher than @robbieretard's bid of 0.100 SBD


Mr Bot, I want to bid 0.10 or 0.20 or whatever it takes to get a sticker.

end auction

End of #steembay Auction confirmed

Bid 1 SBD

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @davedickeyyall's bid of 1.000 SBD

@davedickeyyall's bid of 1.000 SBD has been overbid by @ammonite's bid of 1.200 SBD

Bid 1.2

Bot is taking its time..

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @ammonite's bid of 1.200 SBD

@ammonite's bid of 1.200 SBD has been overbid by @davedickeyyall's bid of 2.000 SBD

Bid 2. SBD

The #steembay Auction was ended by the seller.
The winning bidder is @davedickeyyall with an amount of 2.000 SBD - Congratulations!

@demotruk please reply with instructions for payment and for receiver address please


Please transfer 2 SBD to my account. I'll send back a transfer with encrypted private details. You will be able to read it on your wallet page if you're logged in with master password.

You can then send me shipping details privately via SMS or Whatsapp.


Thanks. I sent you a reply which can be read when logged into wallet page with master password (otherwise encrypted and can't be read).

Not sure how that's done.. I send you my addy tho...

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @davedickeyyall's bid of 2.000 SBD

Hahaha that’s kind of hillerious:)

Want to place a bid? I know you already have one, but it's starting at just a penny :-P

0.02 my bid

I think you need to reply to the main post like this (not 100% sure, this is my first time):

bid 0.02

Bid 0.10

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @robbieretard's bid of 0.100 SBD

@robbieretard's bid of 0.100 SBD has been overbid by @ammonite's bid of 0.200 SBD

Bid was reactivated because @jbcoin has revoked bid of 75.000 SBD! Highest bid is now @robbieretard's bid of 0.100 SBD

Bid 0.2

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @ammonite's bid of 0.200 SBD

@ammonite's bid of 0.200 SBD has been overbid by @jbcoin's bid of 75.000 SBD

bid .75

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @jbcoin's bid of 75.000 SBD

revoke bid

Could be a glitch. Maybe steembay03 and steembay04 are bots trying to corrupt the system.

Wow, 75 SBD for a steemit sticker! Way cool!

Maybe because I didn't put a zero in front of the .75? I don't know?

Earlier bug I would imagine! I'm sure there will be a fix.

My bid clearly shows .75 not 75.0

revoke bid

Bid was revoked by @jbcoin

Why is a .75 bid showing as 75.0 sbd? Thanks for revoking

Sorry for that. The system has to use the comment as a string. For speed reasons we have to force the format and do not accept .x or ,x or 0,1 formats. Glad you found the revoke funktion!

bid 0.65

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @da-dawn's bid of 0.650 SBD

@da-dawn's bid of 0.650 SBD has been overbid by @davedickeyyall's bid of 1.000 SBD

When does the auction end?

It ends by default at the payout time, 10 hours from now. I can also manually cut it short at any time it seems.