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RE: This Post Will Be Downvoted....

in #steembasicincome5 years ago

This is the right attitude. Downvoters are going to downvote. You don't have to like it, but you need to get used to it. If you aren't explaining that downvotes are a thing to people you onboard, then the failure is yours.


It's not up to the masses to 'cater' to Steem....It's up to Steem to cater to the audience and provide an environment that is attractive and something people wanna be a part of. Downvoting new people to the community doesn't do that.

So remove downvotes or control them? That seems to be the logical conclusion to your statement.

I'm not a fan of downvotes. I mean, I get it, for spam, sure...but that brings a whole new set of problems.

Personally, I just dont use them. If I dont agree with a post, I just move on. I choose to upvote the content I like, ignore the stuff I dont agree with.

I'm not a fan of downvotes. I mean, I get it, for spam, sure...but that brings a whole new set of problems.

So what's the proposed solution? How do you maintain decentralized governance and enforce downvote parameters at the same time? I see so many posts like this, but never a tenable solution. Without a proposal, it's just empty complaining. Rather than empty complaining, people should be onboarded with the right mindset about what to expect on the mainnet.

People need a realistic expectation of how the system operates when they join, and they are not getting it. I am sure once SMTs/Communities arrive, you can rule downvotes for your community with an iron fist. You will probably be able to disable them altogether.

Made $20 rehashing the recent fiasco. Sounds like a good deal to me!

Yeah, pretty sure this gets split 50/50. But maybe I didn't understand how HF21 worked... ;)

A bit more than that since people sacrifice some curation to be the first to vote to get, ironically, greater curation.

So, $12 is probably closer to the figure.

My thought has always been majority rule for downvotes...So random thinking, the majority people 'downvote' a post, then it gets a downvote. Would be pretty easy if it was spam for example, think the majority doesnt want that here...

No idea it it's feasible, cause I have the tech knowledge of a toad...But I know one thing, the more people don't feel valued, the harder it will be to keep them.

And that's really my thing..SBI was a way to make people feel their content is valuable.