Over The Garden Wall - best cartoon I've seen in a while! (+ my original artwork)

in #steemartists7 years ago

Oh, what a sweet, lazy weekend I had! Thanks to my mild ilness I had time to feed my introvert soul with movies, articles, videos and all kind of nerdy stuff! :)

One of this weekend's favourite find is a cartoon that, for some strange reason, I've never seen or even heard of before.


It's an animated mini series created for Cartoon Network. I'll spare you details that you can google yourself, let me just tell you it's a fantastic story about two brothers adventuring through their imaginery world.

Sounds a bit cliche? but it isn't! Let's say every Adventure Time fan is obligated to watch it. And if you're not a fan at least try, please! It's such a cute yet a bit dark show with a great sense of humour and interesting plot.

More info, obviously, on wikipedia:

Here I wanna present you my illustration, a little tribute to this show - one of the main characters called Wirt.


Has any of you seen it?
If not, would you like to watch it?
Waiting for your comments! :)


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Never heard of it, but if it's got dark humor and a fantasy theme, I'll be looking into it very soon. Thanks for your recommendation. The drawing ain't too shabby, either. :D

give it a chance :D

This is very cute mila <3 I love his smile and his outfit and i think you have a very nice pencil and sketching skills * ___ *


aww thanks @veryspider ^_^ you always have kind words for me! :D

Over the Garden Wall, called Gravity Falls. It's less quaint and it's mysterious in a different way, but maybe you would like it.
KlaudiaFantastic take on Wirt! Very cool drawing. I loved this show, too! I watched it thanks to @zeroooc. There is one show a bit similar to

followed and yes i would ? plz follow me