I totally agree with the OP. STEEM is the cryptocurrency with the most number of utilities and functionalities. Being an early adopter of Litecoin who mined (since 2013) and gained through trading around 4000 LTC and finally lost them all in bad trading. Even if I had those LTC, I could not stop my temptation to sell them at $30 or $50 (too early LTC went pass $300). I had my hard lessons and able to grasp some STEEMs. I am HODLing them and not thinking of selling any time soon at all. Here is my few cents to promote STEEM:
The following gif is made by me to compare STEEM's zero fees with top cryptocurrencies. Free to use without any attribute. For more: https://steemit.com/steem/@riseofth/comparison-of-steem-s-speed-scalability-and-fees-with-major-cryptos-please-use-them-all-over-the-internet