We Are Still Very Early In This Game - $6/Steem Is Cheap

in #steem20187 years ago (edited)


Where do you think you and I are on this curve?

As I present the idea of the steem blockchain to people and steemit.com as an example, I am reminded constantly that you and I are not the average person. We are an incredible group of pioneers that discovered something way before it became popular.

Some may feel that it's unfair how much some people like me have SteemPower because I was there before the very first payout of steem on this faithful day of July 4th 2016...or by the fact that I was there when Steem was set to hyper-inflate. That may be true but it won't help them to make the best of the situation they are in right now nor will it change the fact that in 5 years, people will tell you they wish they were there when you were!

$6/Steem Is Still Very Cheap

  1. What is the value of a technology that allows the monetization of content without ads?
  2. What is the value of a technology that allows you to transfer infinite amount of value, in 3 seconds, with no fees?
  3. What is the value of dozens of social media websites built on top of that technology?
  4. What is the value of a technology that allows each of those websites to have their own reward tokens(Smart Media Tokens), launch ICOs and a zero-fee decentralized exchange?

I'm telling you my friends, we are still early and $6/Steem is really cheap when you realize the real value of such technology.

The proper attitude

So what is the proper attitude to take when we face that information? What mind frame each of us must take to maximize our experience and opportunity on this platform?

1- Take Massive Action

This thing is no joke and if you succeed at playing the steem game, add value, connect with influencers and work hard to make this place better...sooner or later, your rewards will climb. I've seen it happen. Late comers running surpassing account in terms of influence and value.

These people TAKE MASSIVE ACTION to make themselves a valuable member of the steem blockchain. They don't complain, don't play politics...they just put their minds to the grindstone and find solutions to problems that we face.

2- Don't Complain

Complainers are the biggest losers. Not only it doesn't put them in the right frame of mind to take massive action, it also repels people like me who could upvote their project or content. All-in-all, even if what they complain about is true and unfair, it doesn't help anyone to start a pity party.

3- Start a project

Start a project that extends beyond yourself. Look into projects like @sndbox or @steemstem. Those guys are the movers and shakers. They gained attention and influence by adding tremendous value to the steem blockchain. Find a problem, create a solution and market it until it gets traction. Build a discord channel around it and make this place better!


Within the next 5 years, considering the 4 points highlighted above, I can easily imagine STEEM reaching the $100 or more. That means that every single steem you are collecting right now could make a huge difference in the future...and all you had to do to make the best of it is to use your mind in the best possible way.

There are 4 pages

This post and your inspiration throughout all the other posts is the reason why I wanted to connect and chat with you in the chat , but I’m not sure if you use it , regardless I messaged you two days ago, wanted some advice

You’re beyond right , this is just the start. Those who came in last year at .12 and now looking at it at $6 in a year is a big change . Who knows as the paltform grows , the users grow , that can be double this year and who knows what next year will bring . We should try to be part of everything and engage with others , as I see it as a big key to success . Like they say , success is not given , it’s earned

I have also tried to connect with certain people via chat and had no success. I am interested in doing some research for this project, but can't seem to track down the person that I need to on here. I suppose I'll go search for the best way to directly contact people now.....

I can imagine the amount of people that would want to connect with him,i mean who wouldn't appreciate TALENT when he sees one.
His ideas and inspiration are just one of the main things that makes me hope steemit becomes better someday.

I'm holding long term on my Steem.
A few thousand extra dollars a year would be great but would not make a huge impact on my life long term.
If steemit gets anywhere near mainstream I'd be kicking myself for getting out early. I'm definitely blessed to be at the point financially that I'm able to take a "risk" and not cash out now.

I think you're doing the right thing. Steem is for sure one of the most 'safe' crypto investments!

Sounds like a smart plan.

Awesome thanks for sharing!!

Am only just joining Steemit now but sounds like you're making a smart call @jrue. Good luck with it all!

$100 Steem might be very conservative. If you think Steem could ultimately offer more value than Facebook (I do), then you are looking at a market cap valuation in excess of $550 billion. With current circulation that would work out to $2,200 Steem. 😎

I agree. Anything can happen. Look at how fast other disruptive technologies have gained traction. They key is to go big prior to the competition replicating and then saturating the technology.

Holy crap, I would be so rich if Steem hit $2,200! :P

I do however agree that Steem could go way over $100, but getting to $2,200 is ever higher than my own hopes and dreams.

That's possible because what steem need is "us creating great content" and "spread the opportunity". Early birds have the biggest advantage on this game so we're so lucky.

Yeah, that's true. Once the "ball starts rolling" in terms of new users, we'll probably grow exponentially, and then we early adapters can start to celebrate ;)

I guess what's hard to imagine is the users who are already millionaires would, if they held become ... billionaires many times over... would they be trillionaires? anyways, it seems hard to imagine that.

Hehe, that's a crazy thought! It would be so cool if we got a Steem billionaire here at one point.

They'd be throwing around thousand dollar upvotes 😁

If Steem's value multiplied by 1000, someone who has a $2.5 million stake today would have $2.5 billion. It's a lot, but still a fraction of Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates's net worth. They're worth around 100 billion each!

Well, if we're talking founders, @ned has 4+million steem itself, at 2200 that'd be, yeah I guess merely 10billion dollars or so.

Still. :O

STEEMIT is first and got monopoly right now, but if facebook lets say will join crypto then steemit will lose big audience and value.
In my opinion cryproworld now evolving and growing with hugesteps and we cant say will still be bitcoin in 5 years or etherium and steem. Many things depends on team, this year we will have hf20 and smt, but who knows what we will have in next year and so on, if we lag then steem price will go back to 10 cents, but if we continue to evolve then its possible to be at 250-1000 $ per steem!

Right. I think Steem has some of the most high quality content out there a the moment which will only increase their margins. We need to scale up not out in order to maintain and grow the value. This is where the copycats will be unable to compete.

Yes totally agree with you, there only seems to be optimism when it come to about all cryptos, but BTC might not be around in 5 years. Love your logo @investwarrior!

That's a good point. A social media needs to constantly evolve in order to keep users around, and if they flee, it all falls down.

This is so true. Do you want to be successfull on Steem? Stop thinking about how to get upvotes and start thinking about how you can help Steem grow. Projects and initiatives that help Steem grow are rapidly discovered and supported.

And when that day comes, when Steem is at $100, you will look back and wonder how it was possible that there was ever a shred of doubt in your mind.

You CAN do it.

I've seen this first hand from $1 to whatever the price is currently. Friends were not interested when I was working for 2 months to only make $100. Now that I've been working 6 months and closing in on the $10,000 mark with taking profits off the platform to invest in projects I believe in I've since had 2 friends sign up.

I'm hoping to close in on growing this account to $50,000 - $100,000 by the end of the year. Will this happen? Maybe, it's heavily dependent on the price of Steem slowly increasing and not decreasing, but it doesn't stop my desire and enthusiasm to see this platform cointinue to grow and thrive.

As a community developer, OCD currator, and a member in several communities on the platform I'm heavily invested in growing myself and this platform.

fantastic development - keep on steeming on!

I'm excited to think we are still in the beginning stages of Steemit. Whenever I tell someone about this place, I get a lot of weird looks and doubt that I could actually make money off of posting stuff. To be fair, it's a pretty new idea with the block chain technology to back it up. I've never heard anyone say $100 for steem eventually (usually like 20 or so) but man I hope you're right. There's no doubt in my mind that this place will keep on growing, and I'm so happy I joined when I did.

"But where does the money come from?"

Sounds like me not that long ago! Haha

use your mind in the best possible way.
This is absolutely correct! Actually STEEM is pretty cheap! With this technology I wish it will go to moon soon!
As a heading The proper attitude you pointed out very valuable advice! This is just a start, it will grow more and future is pretty amazing! And glad to say we are the early adopters of this amazing platform as well!
Very inspirational article and thanks for sharing with the community!


I love how optimistic your posts are. I am the MOST unlikely "success" story you can imagine. I have no tech skills, I am so intimidated by chats that your suggestion to "start a discord channel" kinda made my heart skip a beat... I don't like bots and I complain about autovotes at every opportunity... I doubt I will ever start a major project, I live in the middle of nowhere. I want to take part in ophumanangels but I have been waiting for my weekly trip to the store for sticky notes - I just do not have access to many resources. But here I sit, sharing my world with the rest of the world, trying to be helpful, funny and honest. And that alone is paying off.

I think the beautiful thing about this is that you could start a major project from the middle of nowhere. I also live in the middle of nowhere, and that is one of the reasons why I love Steem!

i think we are in the level 2 in this curve. early adopters & in next year, we will be at millionaires club & you will be at billionaires club. you just did a very motivational speech & the points that you highlight are extremely powerful. we can do better & we want to be more innovative in this wonderful platform. impressive article @cryptoctopus

reteemed & upvoted & commented & followed

Its exciting to be involved in the early stages. I am very eager to see what steem and crypto do this year.

This ressonates perfectly with the First of your posts that i read. The one where you provide examples of steemians that for big from nothing.

I have been here for only 1 month, but what i have seen so far os huge.

And there is a lot of ways to grow here, not only blogging. You can also contribute to opensource projects, invest, curate etc...

I cant say about the Future prices of steem, but It definetly have space to grow big.

But we gotta keep an eye on what is happening outside. Like bitcoin, steem is the First of its kind, but something better may also appear in the Future.

$1 is even cheaper, that's when I'm loading my truck with STEEEEEM.

@cryptoctopus - As a house wife with a kid I'm earning than my husband do... Life changing platform & I'm holding Steem for a better future Sir...


Well this makes you an effective house wife and a supportive one too. Keep it up ma'am.

You are very much right that we should work hard and make this community much more better. The steem is $6, I think its the just the beginning of game, the storm is yet to come. Thanks for encouraging us.

You asked where we think we are in the bell curve. I think we're somewhere early in the early adopters phase. It's kinda freaky to imagine how high Steem could go, you almost don't want to get too carried away, but at the same time it could really take off and go to levels that will be mind blowingly high.

I would consider us early adopters.

The strategy of networking, posting, and commenting is certainly working for me.

I don't get involved in the flag wars. That will sort itself out without me. I don't complain. I am always optimistic. I do my thing, and stack that Steem. When I have a little more power I'll start working on one of my projects.

I have no trouble seeing Steem @ 100 usd or more.

This train hasn't even started rolling yet. When it does it is going to change the world.

Thanks for the post.

Keep Steeming!

I agree with you completely @cryptoctopus.

Thank you for relating what I, too, have been saying. STEEM is only starting to move. My prediction is still $100 by year end. I am still trying to work out the user sign up rate but I am leaning towards at least 3M by year end.

We are in the very early stages. Blockchain is a revolutionary technology which is just starting to emerge. There is a good 10 year run before we see the total benefits of what is going to take place. In that time, we will see the abundance that comes from the Internet coming into the money arena. We also are going to see DAOs which will radically alter the idea of a corporation.

In the end, humanity is going to benefit and I feel that STEEM will be at the center of it all.

As for you being "lucky", horsecrap. There were a lot of lean days back then from what I read and there were many times which this entire "experiment" looked like it could collapse. Those who were willing to stay in there and keep at it, even putting their own money at risk, deserve to profit.

People who talk about those being lucky because they could get in when it was cheap are also the ones who fail to add more STEEM when it pulls back now. As you stated, by Spring, $6 STEEM will look cheap.

Demand for Steem rising and will rise. Number of active users increasing rapidly. This is just a beginning stage. I agree that Steem will reach $100 for sure.

A fellow steemian when writing her untalented post said, she wished she was here months ago. I gladly told her that she joined at the right time. No time is ever late.. Anytime you join the platform Is the right time.

I see a great future with steem and I'm glad I here to witness it.

Lets keep steeming!!!

Regrets and regrets, that's what complainers will get. I think it a good thing to be here now, I cherish every little steem i get even if its the fraction from curation rewards because one day steem will be so high that we will value these moment.
Rather than complaining I will get more influence here, I have already started by buying some Steem which is a good investment to me, the future of the steem blockchain is great.

we are happy that we are not late and now we are in list of earliest to join steem we dont know that an incredible oppertunity will be waiting for us and give us a brilliant future and hope we also showing the proper attitude and sure we sill start project and take massive action to make ourselves a valuable member of this great platfarm

and your invest in steem in 2 years ago is best decesion and that time maybe many of your closers say you wrong but they didnot know what success you get from this
we dont compare any thing with steem and steemit and hope it will be on 100 soon and this not take long time @cryptoctopus

You are very correct, I may not have joined at the beginning like you, but I'm very lucky to be here now.
By 5years I will be a big whale or even more, the steem blockchain has a lot in store and to be here now is a good news to me.
I will explore the steem blockchain rather than complaining.

I feel that we are according to the graphic early adopters, because Steemit recently growing up, but you are a pioneer and I was born steemit.

I have the vision that 5 years from now steemit as a full moon that illuminates the entire planet.
-Saving many of the poor that governments are now enriched with corruption with money from the poor

I will say Early Majority as at September last year I joined, a considerable amount of users have been joining since then.

Although, I know we still have more users coming up but glad I joined at the above date, even though I have not gotten the attention I so wish for. I know deeply that consistency is the key and droppers won't archieve anything but only regret if they took it more actively earlier on

I think right now we are between early adopters and early majority. We are in that’s transition.

2018 is the year of the early majority.

About your predictions of steem value, those are strong points and I am glad you think like that.

Powerful @cryptoctopus!
Here is some inspiration for Steemians who may not know what they would blog about:
Start a month long project, and study it, learn about it, and commit to blogging about that subject every day for one month.
Here's an illustrative example on my blog @scan0017, where every day in the month of January you will find a different article of footwear from my embarrassingly ridiculous and fabulous collection. They're gorgeous, you'll love them, and most importantly, you'll probably laugh because I make the posts as funny as possible.
We live in a beautiful world 🌎 🌍 , and enthusiastically sharing with each other makes it a more wonderful place for everyone!
Steemit is less than two years old.
Anyone joining now will be remembered by history as an early adopter.
Blog with your audience in mind, speak to your readers by using the words "you" and "I" in proportion to your ears and mouth, and reach into your creativity to discover what you have to offer the world.
You might surprise yourself!

All my love and kisses,
@scan0017 😘

What do you think where we are at the innovation bell? I think we are at the beginning of the early adopters. Daily registrations start to accelerate. Currently we have 3000 registrations a day. That means total users increase 3.7% per week or extrapolated to the year 561% per year (1,037 ^ 52 - 1).

I strongly agree that steem's current price is still less than what it's really worth. Also, the platform is still young and there's just too much potential.

This thing is no joke and if you succeed at playing the steem game, add value, connect with influencers and work hard to make this place better...sooner or later, your rewards will climb. I've seen it happen. Late comers running surpassing account in terms of influence and value.

This is also very true. I noticed that the effort and dedication someone gives to the platform is somehow proportional to his/her rewards. Of course there are exceptions like if you have connections that will give huge boosts to your posts.

This is a very good share @cryptoctopus. Thanks for the information and I hope more people will have a chance to read this. :D

Since the lost few months steemit is the only thing i do. love it love it and i'm glad to be a early bird cause the future looks bright

Early bird you say. Congratulations to you, enjoy

I totally agree with the OP. STEEM is the cryptocurrency with the most number of utilities and functionalities. Being an early adopter of Litecoin who mined (since 2013) and gained through trading around 4000 LTC and finally lost them all in bad trading. Even if I had those LTC, I could not stop my temptation to sell them at $30 or $50 (too early LTC went pass $300). I had my hard lessons and able to grasp some STEEMs. I am HODLing them and not thinking of selling any time soon at all. Here is my few cents to promote STEEM:

The following gif is made by me to compare STEEM's zero fees with top cryptocurrencies. Free to use without any attribute. For more: https://steemit.com/steem/@riseofth/comparison-of-steem-s-speed-scalability-and-fees-with-major-cryptos-please-use-them-all-over-the-internet

myFile (4).gif

I got into steemit about two and a half weeks ago. Haven't made any money, but this early into the game I really don't expect to.

That's the spirit! It takes a while to gain a following, and even longer before you make a steady amount of money on your posts. Just keep posting, and it will grow bigger after a while :)

Don't give up, it can take a while. Just keep contributing quality posts & comments and you'll do fine over time. Just remember how long people have had Facebook accounts for and haven't even made a cent. I just voted up a few of your posts BTW.

Thanks, It's actually my grandmother who got me into steemit. She wanted me to invest in some bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and once sent me this article about steemit and how it works.

Sounds like an awesome Grandmother.
There's a subject for a cool post. "My Crypto Granny".
Steem on.

Steemit is good for 3-6 months. I expect other social platforms to come and then the price of Steem could drop. But not before 6 months. And I'm quit sure Steem will be around 12-16$ at the end of april 2018 @cryptoctopus

So you think another blockchain social media will outcompete Steemit? That might happen, but Steemit has a big head start right now, so the new ones will need to bring something new to the table, or they won't be able to grow big (in my opinion).

I agree with you. Other social media platforms should try to do more if they want to be successful. It seems hard. @cryptoctopus @valth

Oh yeah, I think starting a new social media platform is one of the most difficult things you can start, since it would require a lot of users in order to attract new users (since no one wants to use an empty social network), so it's a bit of a paradox. New social platforms need a big hook in order to get people to join, such as the getting paid to post that's here on Steemit.

My prediction is that steem is going to reach 100$ in 2018, but there are more crazy optimistic people saying it will reach 1000$ and I hope they are right.

Don't we all hope they are right with their "crazy" $1,000 predictions? Nothing would make me happier ;)

in 5 years, people will tell you they wish they were there when you were!

I will try to not be really smug.

Within the next 5 years, considering the 4 points highlighted above, I can easily imagine STEEM reaching the $100 or more.

It might be a lot less than five years. If SMT’s take off, demand for Steem could soar.

I like to consider my self an early adapter but still wish I've heard about steemit earlier, one of my pet peeves is: none of my friend listen to me when I say come and join steemit. not even my brothers...

They will come to regret it sooner or later!

I recently cashed out some over the past couple of weeks and had a LITTLE bit of regret as I saw the price of STEEM continue to skyrocket. To be honest I can't be upset because I still have a decent amount left and have received back the majority of my initial investment.

STEEM has an amazingly bright future ahead of it as we haven't even begun to see the potential this platform really holds.

Great post. You are so right. The potential with the SMT and the ability to monetize content without adds is huge. I was thinking about Facebook with 2B users with a marketcap of 550B. Steem is less than 1M with a marketcap of 1.5B. A user is valued at a much higher rate on steemit ($2500 vs $275). Imagine what will happen as this platform grows.

"TAKE MASSIVE ACTION" I love this phrase. I agreed that starting a project in that serves the common good seems to be the best way to build your influence and reputation here. I am feeling more confident by the day that steemit is not in fact "2good to be true" and has the bright future I am hoping for!

Steemit is a game changer and in the coming years $6 will be nothing. Contribute to the ecosystem and get in while you can :)

Great post thanks
"websites to have their own reward tokens(Smart Media Tokens), launch ICOs and a zero-fee decentralized exchange?"

I am working on an ICO run by former Uber and Addison Lee Drivers in London and can't wait to launch the ride sharing service which will be owned by the drivers, passengers, programmers, marketers and the public that buy the coin.

Not heard when the date will be for SMT so may have to use Ethereum Smart Contrat to kick start the ICO.

Keep on Steeming

Certified Bitcoin Professional

Wow, that sounds really cool! I wish you the best of luck.

The exact date for SMTs are not announced yet, but the Steemit team has said that it will happen in Q1 2018, so it can't be too long until they announce it.

I guess I am still avpart of the early majority if we are going to base it on the fututre of steemit. If $100 per steem happens I will be a future millionaire haha.. wow i like that.

If $100 per steem happens I will be a future millionaire haha

Well, wouldn't that be very nice? ;)

I like your optimism. The fundamentals of steem are incredible. When you compare all the shitcoins out there that are running bagillion dollar market caps with only white papers - steem is a bargain at 2x the price.

Yeah, Steem is a really good cryptocoin. People tend to think of it as only a social media, and completely forget that it's also a coin with no transaction fees, 3 second block times, and a coin that is able to handle extreme amount of transactions at the same time compared to most other coins.

I have to say from someone who has used steemit for the past four months that indeed there are many opportunities to earn and create growth. I have never seen anything like this before where people help one another to earn a living through the internet at amazing rates. Even if you can not create your own following by following others you can still earn a lot.

I have absolutely no skill what so ever related to computer programming yet I am learning from many others through discord channels and steemit platform. Even just learning can earn some rewards. Of course to earn the most is to take initiative of creating your own followers. I am still trying to find what I can offer, and for now I will follow those who have been successful and learn from them. Thanks :)

Treat it like a life form, we are like still babies that barely got up and started walking. There is such a vast horizon in front of us. Just look at the value of STEEM, it grows in accordance to what we have acheived and what more we can do. So as an organic entity, let us all move forward and press on! Trust and believe!

Steem is good price for 10-15 days ago.
Some day ago i stock some steem and
Steem is change my life.
It is time buy a new car.
Thanks for sharing this post.
I think this month steem price 11+
I love steem and only steem is real
resteem this post

Really a nice job you done..great and motivational article for the minnows like us..Keep it up dear

Very well said Sir @cryptoctopus, I do agree with the statement:
you and I are not the average person. We are an incredible group of pioneers that discovered something way before it became popular.

I always give thanks to those people (Seniors, Whales), who trusted on the platform and continued their journey at that time when nobody trusted on steemit (In early 2016 and so on). These are the real people who made the foundation and now everyone is enjoying. Lot of people have left their permanent jobs. Many have changed their lives with the help of steemit. And many have came up with lot of innovation ideas like:

@sndbox , @steemstem, @steemyfy, @busy.org and many more.

Thanks a lot for your aggressive blog @cryptoctopus. I love your attitude and always support your words as you're in the foundation of this platform. You have got lot of :


Always keep smiling and Stay Blessed!

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