
Thank you for commenting. I appreciate these new accounts may be run by people with experience on Steem. What was the highest rank you got as a witness? Were you a consensus witness? The point of my questions is to ascertain how much "community" token support you actually had prior to Tron taking over the chain.

Further, if you value blockchain technology and the decentralized consensus mechanisms that secure it, why would you put your support behind someone who is comfortable sybil attacking a blockchain? This goes against the very purpose of blockchain. Unless you can explain that to me, IMO, it invalidates you as being a witness anyone should ever vote for. It seems to me you don't understand what a blockchain is if you're okay with it being centralized.

If my memories are correct, my personal ranking has risen to 45th. I'm now a consensus witness.

Of course, I think blockchain should be decentralized.
So it's a pity for you to move to Hive. Through the separation of powers, we must check each other.
However, we tried to find a consensus on each other to narrow our position several times, but we couldn't find a conclusion.

Of course, I think blockchain should be decentralized.

Then why do you support Justin Sun who did the exact opposite to Steem and centralized it?

If regular token holders not using exchange stake or Steemit ninja-mined stake only supported you up to position 45, doesn't it seem a bit odd that you're now in consensus? Doesn't that seem like centralization if one person can do that?

I don't understand how you can come to consensus with someone who thinks it's perfectly okay to centralize and control, as a single individual, a blockchain.

I think we already have different opinions.

I don't want to persuade or explain you.

My support for Justun Sun was due to a funding freeze at 0.22.4444.
Because I also think that's not right with the blockchain spirit.

But I still love blockchain, and I can smile and cheer for you who are leaving.

Good luck!

Your a real life traitor, that is actually the fitting word. One that can usually only be found in movies, but here you are.