Nobody is safe in Steemit .

Any whale can flag your post for any reason
Nobody is safe in Steemit .
Any whale can flag your post for any reason
I am sorry you are going through that. I have had a few friends get flagged and shut down. I wish you well and try to listen to your posts. There are butt heads out there. Don't let them discourage you. You and Craig will be in my thoughts. - Troy
They are not whales, they are sharks... punch them in the face and keep it moving lol
its ok they are just hating on bitconnect but proof of stake decentralized cryptocurrency that is bitconnect coin hasnt really scammed anyone at all, havent heard of anyone having problems, we even had a BIG scare and everything happened smoothly like bitconnect promised, i mean Bitconnect HAS fucking been MORE responsible than POLONIEX ok?!?!?!
So LETS see Steemit start flagging every fuckin post about Poloniex! hah its crazy seriously i mean DARKNET markets have more honor than poloniex! Im serious! u can leave ur money in like alphabay and youll be able to get it out easier than Polonix! drug dealers on darknet are more trustworthy than ther fucking exchanges like poloniex and their withdrawal limits, SHADY practices, deposit millions but only able to take out a few thousand?? Withdrawl limits should have MATCHING deposit limits or its a total ponzi red flag! anyway Poloniex is the sketchy organization! Bitconnect hasnt stolen money from people like the way polonix is holding millions of steem/SBD hostage LOL
Its crazy i mean bitconnect coin is decentralized and all the loans will be on a decentralized blockchain soon,
People wonder how bitconnect makes so much money and its like...guys...come on...Bitcoin??? ever heard of Bitcoin? al that bitcoin bitconnect has goes up up up ...and all the cryptocutrrency loans on bitconnect are in bitconnect tokens which u can trade oin multiple exchanges its a real proof of stake coin and it has like a billion dollar marketcap almost, so i wonder why people get mad at bitconnect, i dunno it just seems like theres no real evidence that bitconnect is shadey, I mean the bitconnect token an be compared to steem, i have a hard time hearing from steemit whales that bitconnect is in any way different, i eman they make u lock in ur money for a long time, just like steempower, on bitconnect u lock in ur money but over the 299 days u lock ur mmoney in bitconnect, u get that money back, multiple times u make it back, just like if u do a power down and steem is rising in price as your powering down, its teh same thing! bitconnect just reinvests its money INTO the token and reinvests PROFITS into the token! Just like Facebook uses profits to buy back Stock shares!
WHatever i still havent seen proof that bitconnect is a scam and id like to see proof instead of just gossip and heresay, i mean the money is all tied up in bitconnect tokens on bitconnect but so what? Theyre linked to bitcoin which just goes up in value and people WANT bitconnect tokens and are now just buying tokens keeping them on decentralized staking wallets, why are people so afraid of bitconnect????