Mood diary 2018.11.2/心情日记2018.11.2

in #steem6 years ago

Light rain looks out of the window and feels confused. There are always some unpleasant things in life.

The number of people coming and going on the road at 5:30 a.m. is increasing. These people are busy working for their families. Most of them are around 40 years old. They are walking on the road in the cold morning with piercing rain for their wives, parents and children. I begin to be confused, begin to wonder, and do not know what they are. Some of them are not confident.

Only money can solve these problems. At the age of 25, I have nothing to do. I have some reluctant food and clothing. I also dream of owning my own house, car and lover, and making my family live a rich life. But these things seem far away from me.

小雨 望着窗外有些迷茫,生活中总有一些不如意的事情。
清晨5点半 马路上来来往往的人陆陆续续开始增加,这些人都在为自己的家庭奔波忙碌,年纪大部分在40岁左右,他们为了自己的妻子 父母 孩子 在寒冷的早晨顶着 刺骨的雨水行走在马路上,我开始迷茫,开始疑惑,对自己的未来有些不自信。
只有金钱能解决这些问题,25岁的我一事无成,温饱都有些勉强,我也梦想着 拥有自己的房子车子爱人,让自己的家人过上富裕的生活,可是这些事情似乎离我很遥远。