OnepageX as reviewed by me is the simpliest cryptocurrency exchange where by amateur traders or noobs can easily exchange cryptocurrencies and also OnepageX sets to solve the problem of limited coins on an exchange platform by providing the crypto-sphere with more than 140 different cryptocurrencies whereas STEEM has set as the base asset. OnepageX is a short form for OnePageExchange. The cryptocurrency exchange process has been made very easy that even registration is not required to exchange cryptocurrencies using OnepageX. This development totally makes the exchange of cryptocurrencies less complicated and easy.
How does OnepageX work?
First, Select the amount and the cryptocurrency you want to exchange. The add the wallet address where you want to get your cash, the address must be the same with the coin you want to withdraw and last of all, cross-check the data you entered and then initiate the exchange. That’s how OnepageX works and how it’s used. It is very easy and it is additionally secure in the sense that no registration is required so anonymity is made available. OnepageX is without a doubt the easiest cryptocurrency exchange platform.
I chose my design because it portrays the meaning of OnepageX, even before the viewer reads about it He/She already has an idea of what it's all about and I believe it's good enough for OnepageX.
Here's the link to my instagram post with my graphics
For More Information
Check out OnepageX website here
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