That's really interesting to hear that devopments are in the works such as you mention, esp. mobile apps!! I haven't been paying attention (in fact I don't even know where the best source of news is for steemit development?) - so, thanks for that info!
For me, I need a good deal of liquidity, and USDT just doesn't really have that. Also, if you check their website, their terms and conditions don't really guarantee much to the holder iirc! In some ways it is nicer not to have to have USD sitting on exchanges, but in other ways it has its own drawbacks (i.e. It's not really any more trustless).
ahhhh ok, that helps, i'm really not educated on USDT so i'll check it out!
Here is the 2017 roadmap for Steemit, STEEM, and Steemit, Inc.
(3 distinct entities that most people conflate with each other!)
I will admit I mostly read the Steemit part because it's what interests me the most, lol.
Cool, will give that a read. Thanks!
same same but different :D I am planning on buying around the 21... you?
The 21... of what? :)
July haha :D
What's happening on 21st July? Or is it the tea leaves predicting something? ;)
EDIT: oh, something to do with segwit2x? I really should be paying more attention!!!! :)