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RE: Arguments For Keeping the Steem Reward Pool Whole

in #steem8 years ago

While I don't understand the particular issue, I'm with you on keeping it simple. Personally, I'm kind of bummed about the slider deal. Right around the time the slider was first implemented I landed my very first whale vote... only it amounted to very little because the whale used the slider. I'm thinking when I get my own slider I might choose to not use it. We'll see. The part I struggle most with is that it seems to me the parameters for earning rewards are always changing, so you can never study up on them, implement a strategy to maximize earnings and count on the parameters not changing with little notice. I realize a lot of this is growing pains, but I really hope soon the Steemit powers that be can figure out a good model that works for the most part and then stick with it. Then us users can adjust and make it work for us as we see fit.


The sliders give more nuance to voting and influencing the Steem reward pool, especially for those with a lot of stake. Though you've reminded me that smaller staked accounts might not want the slider shoved in their face, and I made a Github issue with a feature request to be able to toggle it. Thanks for the prompting :)

You are welcome. Thank you for the recent up votes on my posts. I really appreciate it :)